Amendment #22 to H4178

Studying Expanded Reimbursement for Hospital at Home and Mobile Integrated Health Programs

Mr. Driscoll of Milton moves to amend the amendment in Section 12, by inserting in line 637 after the words “long-term care services;” the following:-


(x) examining opportunities to expand coverage and reimbursement for services delivered by Department of Public Health certified Mobile Integrated Health Programs; (xi) examining opportunities to expand coverage and reimbursement for services delivered by participating providers in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Acute Hospital Care at Home Program;


and further amend in line 638 by striking the subclause “(x)” and inserting in place thereof the following:-




and further amend in line 639 by striking the subclause “(xi)” and inserting in place thereof the following:-




and further amend in line 640 by striking the subclause “(xii)” and inserting in place thereof the following:-

