Amendment #15, as changed to H4460

Families in Emergency Housing

Mr. Moran of Lawrence moves to amend the bill in section 3, by inserting after the word “program”, the second time it appears, in line 92, the following words:- ; provided, that each family and pregnant woman shall receive notice not less than 90 days prior to the termination of benefits pursuant to this section; provided further, that not more 150 families shall be terminated from the emergency housing assistance program in any week; and.


And further amend the bill, in said section 3, by striking out the words “or (vi) satisfying any additional criteria the secretary of housing and livable communities deems necessary pursuant to said guidance in paragraph (2) issued by the secretary of housing and livable communities on October 31, 2023”, as inserted by Further Amendment #24, and inserting in place thereof the following words:- (vi) being at imminent risk of harm due to domestic violence; or (vii) satisfying any additional criteria the secretary of housing and livable communities deems necessary pursuant to said guidance in paragraph (2) issued by the secretary of housing and livable communities on October 31, 2023.


And further amend the bill, in section 16, by inserting after the word “communities”, in lines 461 and 486, each time it appears, the following words, in each instance:- , office for refugees and immigrants.


And further amend the bill, in section 19, by striking out, in line 530, the words “April 1” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- July 1.

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #15, as changed to H4460

Families in Emergency Housing


Tram T. Nguyen