Amendment #24, as changed to H4460

Section 2A Amendment

Mr. Fernandes of Falmouth moves to amend the bill in section 3 by striking out the words “or (v) satisfying any additional criteria the secretary of housing and livable communities deems necessary pursuant to said guidance in paragraph (2) issued by the secretary of housing and livable communities on October 31, 2023”, in line 109 to 111, inclusive, and inserting in place thereof the following words:- (v) meeting the criteria to be considered a veteran, as defined in clause Forty-third of section 7 of chapter 4; or (vi) satisfying any additional criteria the secretary of housing and livable communities deems necessary pursuant to said guidance in paragraph (2) issued by the secretary of housing and livable communities on October 31, 2023.

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #24, as changed to H4460

Section 2A Amendment


Colleen M. Garry