Amendment #1126 to H4600

MassHousing Enabling Act Technical Amendments

Mr. Vargas of Haverhill Section 1.  Section 3 of chapter 708 of the Acts of 1966, as most recently amended by sections 43 and 44 of chapter 204 of the Acts of 1996, is hereby further amended by striking out, in the first paragraph, the words “of the General Laws” and inserting in place thereof the following words:-


"or sections 24 through 28 of chapter 93, or chapter 255E, or chapter 255F of the General Laws"


Section 2.  Paragraph (b) of section 8 of chapter 708 of the Acts of 1966, as most recently amended by chapter 34 of the Acts of 2003, is hereby further amended by striking out the sixth sentence and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:-


"The aggregate principal amount of notes and bonds of the MHFA issued to make mortgage loans pursuant to section 5 and to make or purchase loans pursuant to section 5A, outstanding at any 1 time, shall not exceed the sum of $10,800,000,000."