Amendment #567 to H4600

Digital Mental Health Services

Miss Gregoire of Marlborough moves to amend the bill in Section 2 in line item 4000-0500 by inserting at the end thereof the following:


"; and provided further that $1,490,000 shall be expended for a digital youth mental health services program, provided that the Executive Office of Health and Human Services in conjunction with the Executive Office of Education shall develop said pilot program for a digital application for children's behavioral health services which meets the following qualifications: (i) the service must be available to all students ages 13-18 in a piloted district and provide the ability to supplement existing school and community mental and behavioral health resources (ii) the service must provide moderated student online peer support communities, evidence-based, self-guided therapeutic tools, content, and clinical activities, and the ability for students to interact with a licensed mental health practitioner in real time (iii) the service shall have proven risk management process in place (iv) the service must demonstrate an ability to service multiple school districts regardless of geographic location or cultural makeup, (v) the service must be proven through peer reviewed research with evidence-based clinical outcomes and (vi) the service must demonstrate experience with large scale implementation to school-based populations"