Amendment #213 to H4789

Massachusetts Community Climate Bank Decarbonization Projects

Mr. Ultrino of Malden moves to amend the bill in section 2 by inserting after item 7002-8074 the following item:

"xxxx-xxxx. For a reserve to be administered by the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency to provide financial assistance, as a program of the Massachusetts Community Climate Bank, to homeowners of 1-4 family residential properties to support (1) decarbonization measures that reduce overall energy use and carbon emissions, reduce or eliminate on-site combustion of fossil fuels, and increase production of and access to clean energy; and (2) modifications to improve climate resiliency; provided, however that preference shall be given to homeowners residing in properties located in low-income qualified; provided further, that technical assistance to homeowners throughout the application and home improvement process twill ensure that homeowners access the full range of available federal, state, and private grants, rebates, and incentive programs to maximize emissions reduction per dollar of funding provided through the Massachusetts Community Climate Bank; provided further, that financial assistance shall be awarded in a manner that promotes geographic, social, racial, and economic equity; provided further,  that eligible uses may include, but not be limited to the provision of (1) grants and low or no-cost loans for home improvement projects including weatherization and energy efficiency, upgrades to building systems and equipment, installation of rooftop solar and Electric Vehicle chargers, and other improvements related to or useful in accommodating or facilitating such projects such as barrier mitigation, electrical upgrades and roof replacement or repair; (2) grant funding to non-profit organizations and Community Development Financial Institutions to provide technical assistance to homeowners in navigating the home improvement process and accessing available federal, state, and private grant, rebate, and incentive programs; (3) loan loss reserve funds or credit enhancements to facilitate access to credit and mitigate borrowing risk for low- and moderate-income homeowners, thereby supporting wealth creation and preservation for low- and moderate-income households in the Commonwealth; and (4) administrative support including the cost of personnel directly attributable to the program, which shall not exceed 2 percent of the total amount expended Laws....…………………………………………….…................$100,000,000”.

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #213 to H4789

Massachusetts Community Climate Bank Decarbonization Projects


Vanna Howard

Rodney M. Elliott

Lindsay N. Sabadosa

Samantha Montaño

Margaret R. Scarsdale

Rady Mom

Carmine Lawrence Gentile

Joan Meschino

Sean Garballey

Manny Cruz

Steven Owens

Erika Uyterhoeven

Mike Connolly

Jack Patrick Lewis

Brandy Fluker Oakley