Amendment #102, as changed to H4876

EV Mandate Study

Mr. Frost of Auburn moves to amend the amendment by inserting after section 74 the following section:-


SECTION 74A. The executive office of energy and environmental affairs shall conduct a study on the feasibility of the electric vehicle only sales mandate which becomes effective in 2035. The study shall include, but not be limited to, an examination of a realistic timeline to implement the mandate, the infrastructure needed to implement the mandate such as ample charging stations throughout the state, and where and how enough electricity will be needed and generated into the power grid to sustain such a mandate by 2035. The study shall also seek input on the impacts of the mandate from relevant industries, including but not limited to, the automobile industry, auto sales industry, auto repair industry, transportation industry, travel and tourism, shipping and construction industries. The executive office shall collect information on the feasibility of installing and providing access to charging stations in rural, suburban and urban areas. The executive office shall also collect and study information on the costs associated with the repair and general maintenance of electric vehicles compared to gas fueled vehicles.


The executive office shall report its findings to the joint committee on telecommunications, utilities and energy, the chairs of the house and senate committees on global warming and climate change, and the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means by July 31, 2025.

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #102, as changed to H4876

EV Mandate Study


Norman J. Orrall

Rodney M. Elliott