Amendment #25 to H4876

Net Crediting

Mr. Finn of West Springfield moves to amend the amendment by adding the following section:


"SECTION XXXX: Notwithstanding any general or special law or rule, regulation or order to the contrary, (a) “Net Crediting” means a payment mechanism that requires an Electric distribution company to, at the request of a host project or eligible Solar Tariff Generation Unit (STGU) System:


(i) Include the monthly subscription charge of a host project or eligible STGU System on the monthly Bills rendered by the Electric distribution company for electric service and supply to subscribers; and


(ii) Remit payment for those charges to the host project or eligible STGU System, irrespective of whether applicable subscribers have paid their electric bill.


(iii) An Electric distribution company may require a reasonable fee for a host project or eligible STGU Systems that uses net crediting. The fee shall not exceed one percent of the bill credit value remitted to the system unless the Department determines a higher fee is just and reasonable based on substantial evidence presented by the Electric distribution company. The fee for net crediting assessed to a host project or STGU system shall not exceed the fee in effect at the time the host project or eligible STGU System elected for an associated STGU System to participate in net crediting


(b) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department of public utilities, in consultation with the department of energy resources, shall amend any applicable rules, regulations and tariffs to permit the transfer of credits from an alternative on-bill credit generation unit, as defined by regulations of the department of energy resources, to customers of any electric distribution company located in the commonwealth."