Amendment #51 to H4876

Off-Peak EV Charging Rebates

Mr. Owens of Watertown moves to amend the amendment by adding the following section:

"Section XXXX. Notwithstanding any general or special law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the Department of Public Utilities shall open a proceeding to direct distribution companies to propose rate rebates for off-peak electric vehicle charging relative to on-peak charging that incorporate values for avoided energy and capacity costs, avoided transmission costs, avoided distribution costs, improved grid reliability, capacity benefits in the form demand induced price reduction effects (DRIPE), avoided greenhouse gas emissions, and public health benefits. Within six months of the opening of such a proceeding, the Department of Public Utilities shall direct the distribution companies to implement such rebates. Such discounts should be coordinated to minimize unnecessary differences between distribution companies."

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #51 to H4876

Off-Peak EV Charging Rebates


Tommy Vitolo

Michelle L. Ciccolo

Christine P. Barber

David Paul Linsky

Natalie M. Higgins

Lindsay N. Sabadosa

Kay Khan

Mike Connolly

Marjorie C. Decker