Amendment #12 to H57
Matching Grant Programs
Mr. Finn of West Springfield moves to amend the bill moves to amend the bill in section 3 by inserting the following item:
"7002-8041 For the Massachusetts Technology Park Corporation established in section 3 of chapter 40J of the General Laws for a matching grant program that enables academic institutions, nonprofits, industry consortiums, federally funded research and development centers and other technology-based economic development organizations to compete for federal grants in technology and innovation fields including, but not limited to, artificial intelligence and machine learning; cybersecurity, data storage and data management; quantum computing and information systems; robotics and advanced automation; high performance computing, semiconductors and advanced computer hardware; blockchain; supply chain; energy storage and batteries; food security; and advanced materials; and provided further that the matching grant program may also enable participation of these entities in associated workforce development federal grant programs................................................................................................ $50,000,000"