Amendment ID: S17-15

Amendment 15

Further Time for Assessment

Messrs. Keenan and Tarr move to amend the report in the second paragraph of Rule 27A by striking out the word "fifth" and inserting in place thereof the following word:- "eighth"; and further amend said paragraph by striking the figure "48" each time it appears and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "72"; and

in the third paragraph of Rule 27A by striking out the words “third business day” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “fourth business day”; and further amend said paragraph by striking the figure "24" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "72"; and further amend said paragraph by inserting after the words "detailed summary of the amendment." the following sentence:- "The Clerk shall make available on the Internet the text of all amendments, including further amendments in the third-degree to such amendments."; and

in the fourth paragraph of Rule 27A by inserting after the words "time for review" the following words:- ", but not less than 30 minutes,"; and

in the sixth paragraph of Rule 27A by striking the words "upon request be distributed by the member offering the amendment to each member" and inserting in place thereof the following words:- "be sent electronically by the Clerk to each member"; and further amend said paragraph after the words "time for review" by inserting the following words:- ", but not less than 30 minutes,".