Amendment ID: S2502-7
Amendment 7
GMGI Line Item change
Mr. Tarr moves that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section _ the following new sections:-
"SECTION_. Item 2330-0100 of said section 2 of said chapter 28 is hereby amended by inserting after the word “means” the following words:- ; provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute Incorporated for a research project to characterize the impact of offshore wind on economically important species using acoustic telemetry and environmental DNA.
SECTION_. Said item 7008-1116 of said section 2 of said chapter 28 is hereby further amended by striking out the words “provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute Incorporated for a research project to characterize the impact of offshore wind on economically important species using acoustic telemetry and environmental DNA;”