Amendment ID: S2708-18-R2

2nd Redraft Amendment 18

Reporting of the length of time in the Commonwealth prior to receiving approval

Messrs. Tarr, O'Connor, Durant and Fattman move that the proposed new text be amended in section 11, by inserting after the word “disabilities”, in line 152, the following words:- “; a member appointed by the minority leader of the house; a member appointed by the minority leader of senate”; and

in section 17, by inserting after the word “purpose”, in line 228, the following words:- "; (xii) to the extent feasible the country of origin and citizenship status of all individuals and families who are receiving assistance under the emergency housing assistance program at the time of the report; (xiii) the number of individuals receiving assistance under the emergency housing assistance program that have obtained or have applied to obtain federal work authorization in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws; (xiv) the number of new student enrollments related to the emergency housing assistance program; and (xv) any and all efforts undertaken by the administration to secure and maximize federal support and reimbursement for funds spent on the emergency housing assistance program".