Amendment ID: S2708-43

Amendment 43

Changes to Section 3

Mr. Durant moves that the proposed new text be amended by striking section 3 in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following:-

“SECTION 3. Section 30 of chapter 23B of the General Laws, as amended by sections 120 and 121 of chapter 7 of the acts of 2023, is hereby further amended by inserting after subsection (F) the following subsection:-

(G) The executive office shall complete a rehousing plan for all families and pregnant women receiving benefits through the emergency housing assistance program. A family with children or a pregnant woman with no other children that receives benefits through the emergency housing assistance program shall, subject to appropriation and compliance with program rules and regulations, remain eligible for benefits through the program for not less than 6 consecutive months; provided, however, that after a family with children or a pregnant woman with no other children who receives benefits through the emergency housing assistance program has received benefits through the program for 6 months, the executive office shall review the recipient’s eligibility status for extended eligibility for the program. The executive office shall grant 1 extension, for not longer than 90-days, for circumstances limited to: (i)(A) a family or pregnant woman qualifying as a veteran under clause forty-third of section 7 of chapter 4 who is not enrolled in services specifically tailored to veterans including, but not limited to, those administered by the executive office of veterans services; (B) a family or pregnant woman’s imminent placement in housing; (C) avoiding loss of employment for adult family members; (D) pregnancy; (E) a diagnosed disability; (F) being a single parent, stepparent, legal guardian or caretaker caring for a disabled child or family member; (G) being at imminent risk of harm due to domestic violence; or (ii) a family or pregnant woman’s compliance with the rehousing plan. The executive office shall provide not less than 60 days’ notice to a family or pregnant woman receiving benefits pursuant to this section prior to the termination of benefits. The executive office shall provide printed handouts to families with children and pregnant women receiving benefits through the emergency housing assistance program which shall include, but not be limited to, information about: (i) the duration of stay limit and extension process; (ii) workforce training programs; (iii) food resources, including food pantries; (iv) services offered by resettlement agencies; (v) other housing assistance programs; and (vi) other nonprofit or available resources the executive office deems necessary or helpful. All written information shall be translated into multiple languages and shall be available on the executive office’s website.”.