Amendment ID: S2856-103-R1

Redraft Amendment 103

Choreographer and Musician Laureates of the Commonwealth

Ms. Rausch, Messrs. O'Connor and Mark and Ms. Edwards move that the proposed new text be amended by inserting before section 3 the following section:-

“SECTION A3. Chapter 2 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting the following sections:-

Section 65. (a) The governor may appoint a resident of the commonwealth to serve as choreographer laureate of the commonwealth, selected from a list of finalists submitted by the choreographer laureate nominating committee established in subsection (b). The choreographer laureate shall seek to promote the arts of choreography and dance, elevate the dance legacy of and current dance communities in the commonwealth and choreograph performances for important state events and ceremonies. The choreographer laureate shall be appointed to serve for a term of 4 years and may be reappointed for a second term. A choreographer laureate vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

(b)(i) There shall be a choreographer laureate nominating committee consisting of the following members: the executive director of the Massachusetts cultural council, or their designee, who shall serve as chair; the executive and artistic director of Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, Inc.; the executive artistic director of The Dance Complex; the president of New England Presenters; and a member of the Boston Ballet company, selected by the chair. Nominating committee members shall serve without compensation.

(ii) Not less than 5 months prior to the expiration of the tenure of the choreographer laureate, the nominating committee shall conduct culturally competent and linguistically diverse public outreach and receive nominations of potential candidates for selection as choreographer laureate. Each nominee shall be a resident of the commonwealth who is presently, or was previously, engaged in the art of choreography and who has produced a body of choreographic work. Nominations shall include biographical information about the nominee.

(iii) The nominating committee shall review all nominations and select 3 finalists based on the nominee’s overall choreographic excellence and demonstrated commitment to the arts in the commonwealth. Finalists should represent the commonwealth’s diverse dance community. The nominating committee shall submit the 3 finalists to the governor not less than 4 weeks before the expiration of the tenure of the choreographer laureate, or as soon as possible in the event of a vacancy.

(c)(i) The choreographer laureate shall be an honorary position and the person appointed shall receive no remuneration from the commonwealth. The person appointed to the position of choreographer laureate shall not be considered a state official or a state employee for such person’s service in the position.

(ii) The choreographer laureate shall be entitled to reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of duties as choreographer laureate, not to exceed $1,000 per fiscal year of the commonwealth. Dancers and support staff selected by the choreographer laureate for performances at important state events and ceremonies, consistent with this section, shall be entitled to compensation, as determined by the secretary of administration and finance.

(iii) Annually, not later than February 1, the laureate shall submit a report summarizing their activities within the scope of their appointment to the executive director of the office of travel and tourism, the executive director of the Massachusetts cultural council, the chairs of the joint committee on tourism, arts and cultural development, and the clerks of the senate and house of representatives.

Section 66. (a) The governor may appoint a resident of the commonwealth to serve as musician laureate for the commonwealth, selected from a list of finalists submitted by the musician laureate nominating committee pursuant in subsection (b). The musician laureate shall seek to promote the musical arts, elevate the musical legacy of and current musical communities in the commonwealth, and write and perform music for important state events and ceremonies. The musician laureate shall be appointed to serve for a term of 4 years and may be reappointed for a second term. A musician laureate vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

(b)(i) There shall be a musician laureate nominating committee consisting of the following members: the senate president, or a designee; the speaker of the house of representatives, or a designee; and 3 members appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall be a member of the board of directors of the Massachusetts cultural council. Nominating committee members shall serve without compensation.

(ii) Not less than 5 months prior to the expiration of the tenure of the musician laureate, the nominating committee shall conduct culturally competent and linguistically diverse public outreach and receive nominations of potential candidates for selection as musician laureate. Each nominee shall be a resident of the commonwealth who is presently, or was previously, engaged in the art of music and who has produced a body of musical work. Nominations shall include biographical information about the nominee.

(iii) The nominating committee shall review all nominations and select 3 finalists based on the nominee’s overall musical excellence and demonstrated commitment to the musical arts in the commonwealth. Finalists should represent the commonwealth’s diverse musical community. The nominating committee shall submit the 3 finalists to the governor not less than 4 weeks before the expiration of the tenure of the musician laureate, or as soon as possible in the event of a vacancy.

(c)(i) The musician laureate shall be an honorary position and the person appointed shall receive no monetary remuneration from the commonwealth. The person appointed to the position of musician laureate shall not be considered a state official or a state employee for such person’s service in the position.

(ii) The musician laureate shall be entitled to reasonable reimbursement for expenses incurred in the performance of duties as musician laureate, not to exceed $1,000 per fiscal year of the commonwealth. Musicians and support staff selected by the musician laureate for performances at important state events and ceremonies, consistent with this section, shall be entitled to compensation, as determined by the secretary of administration and finance.

(iii) Annually, not later than February 1, the laureate shall submit a report summarizing their activities within the scope of their appointment to the executive director of the office of travel and tourism, the executive director of the Massachusetts cultural council, the chairs of the joint committee on tourism, arts and cultural development, and the clerks of the senate and house of representatives.”.