Budget Amendment ID: FY2024-S3-282
ECO 282
Devens Housing Cap Elimination
Mr. Cronin moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section __ the following section:-
Section __. Chapter 498 of the Acts of 1993, as previously amended, is hereby further amended by inserting the following paragraph:-
“Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law or rule or regulation, plan, reuse plan, by law or ordinance to the contrary, and to advance the regional development objectives for which the Devens Regional Enterprise Zone was established, and to ameliorate the ongoing housing crisis in the Commonwealth, residential, irrespective of the number of units, shall be a permitted use and housing a development goal in zoning district established by Article V(A)(13) of the Devens By-laws, any limitation on the maximum number of square feet of building space to be developed and/or used in Devens under the Reuse Plan and By-Laws established pursuant to section 10 of chapter four hundred ninety-eight of the Acts of 1993 and any limitation on the total number of residential units to be allowed in Devens under said Reuse Plan and By-Laws shall not apply to any submission of a development plan for unified permitting in accordance with 974 CMR 1.00 et seq. for consideration and approval by the Devens Enterprise Commission created by section 11 of said chapter four hundred ninety-eight.”