Budget Amendment ID: FY2024-S3-55
ENV 55
Veteran's Halls Solar Program
Mr. Feeney moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section __ the following section __: -
"SECTION __ Section 2 of Chapter 29 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2020 Official Edition, is hereby amended by adding the following section:-
Section 2RRRRR.
(a) As appearing in the following section the following word shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meaning:
“Veterans’ organization”, any veterans' organization incorporated by the Congress of the United States.
(b) There is hereby established and set up on the books of the commonwealth an expendable trust to be known as the veterans hall solar program. The secretary of energy and environmental affairs shall establish a grant program to provide solar energy technology to Veterans organizations, that any such grant shall be expended for solar energy technology at the local Veteran's organization's location, hall, or post; provided further, that 100 per cent of the solar energy produced by said technology will benefit the awarded local Veterans organization. The amounts credited to the trust shall be available for expenditure, subject to appropriation, not to exceed $500,000 in a fiscal year, for the costs associated with purchasing and installing solar energy generating equipment for Veterans organizations that meet criteria set forth by the secretary; provided, that not less than 10 grants shall be awarded per fiscal year; provided further, that no grant amount shall exceed $50,000; and provided further, that grants shall be awarded in geographically diverse areas of the commonwealth.
(c) The executive office of energy and environmental affairs shall annually submit a report on disbursements of the trust, including, but not limited to, grant awardees and amounts awarded, to the clerks of the house and senate and the joint committee on telecommunications, utilities and energy not later than December 31."; and
By inserting, in section 2, after item 1595-6232 the following item:
“xxxx-xxxx For the executive office of energy and environmental affairs to distribute in a manner consistent with the recommendations of the veterans hall solar program established under section __ of this act…………………….$500,000”