Budget Amendment ID: FY2025-S4-8-R1

Redraft ENV 8

Biodiversity Trust Fund

Messrs. Moore, Eldridge, Tarr, Payano and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section 9 the following section:-

“SECTION 9A. Said chapter 10 is hereby further amended by inserting after section 35D the following section:-

Section 35D1/2. (a) There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate, non-budgeted special revenue fund known as the Biodiversity Fund, which shall be administered by the commissioner of fish and game. The fund shall be credited with: (i) appropriations or other money authorized or transferred by the general court and specifically designated to be credited to the fund; (ii) funds from public and private sources specifically designated for the purposes of this section, including, but not limited to, gifts, grants, donations, rebates and settlements received by the commonwealth; and (iii) income derived from the investment of money credited to the fund. Amounts credited to the fund shall be expended without further appropriation. The unexpended balance in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall remain available for expenditure in subsequent fiscal years. No expenditure made from the fund shall cause the fund to be in deficit at any point.

(b) The commissioner may expend money from the fund to carry out the policies, programs or authorities of the department for: (i) the protection and maintenance of biodiversity and natural systems, including, but not limited to, the acquisition of land and interests therein; (ii) work related to habitat and species connectivity and habitat and species status; (iii) addressing anticipated shifts in species distribution and abundance; (iv) blue carbon strategies; (v) habitat management, conservation and restoration; (vi) public engagement; (vii) data collection; (viii) technical assistance; (ix) a grant program for said purposes to nonprofit organizations, researchers and community-based organizations; and (x) any costs associated with said purposes.

(c) Annually, not later than November 1, the commissioner shall file a report on the fund’s activities with the clerks of the senate and house of representatives, the senate and house committees on ways and means and the joint committee on environment and natural resources. The report shall include, but not be limited to: (i) the source and amount of funds received; (ii) the amounts distributed and the purpose of expenditures from the fund, including any grants provided to nonprofit organizations, researchers and community-based organizations; and (iii) a plan detailing the planned uses of funds in the following calendar year.”.