1 |
H.893 |
An Act providing for certain standards in health care insurance coverage for eating disorders |
Kay Khan |
2 |
H.784 |
An Act providing for equitable coverage in disability policies |
Ruth B. Balser |
3 |
H.852 |
An Act regarding cervical cancer and women's preventative health |
William C. Galvin |
4 |
H.885 |
An Act relative to mammograms and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) |
Louis L. Kafka |
5 |
H.828 |
An Act relative to patient financial protection |
Marjorie C. Decker |
6 |
H.938 |
An Act relative to providing insurance coverage for breast cancer screening |
Tom Sannicandro |
7 |
S.555 |
An Act relative to women’s health and cancer recovery |
Karen E. Spilka |
8 |
H.948 |
An Act relative to women’s health and economic equity |
John W. Scibak |
9 |
S.483 |
An Act relative to women’s health and economic equity |
Harriette L. Chandler |
10 |
H.894 |
An Act to increase access to primary care for women |
Kay Khan |
11 |
S.557 |
An Act to protect access to confidential healthcare |
Karen E. Spilka |
12 |
H.871 |
An Act to protect access to confidential healthcare |
Kate Hogan |