The Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change heard your thoughts on clean energy and climate. We held hearings in ten communities throughout Massachusetts, from the Berkshires to the Cape, to give our constituents an organized opportunity to voice their opinions on energy issues, climate change and the legislation they want to see from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
This tour was an answer to thousands of constituent conversations, calls and emails concerning the health and future of our local communities; our state; our country; and our world as a whole. We want your collective voices to ring throughout the legislature as we craft policy.
As a result of our initiative, the Committee released a piece of omnibus clean energy legislation with your priorities, S.2302, An Act to Promote a Clean Energy Future. Your advocacy is needed to push this legislation to the Senate and House floors. Let your legislators know where you stand.
While the Massachusetts Clean Energy Future Tour may be over, we hope the conversation continues. Our website remains a portal for constituent input and engagement for you to send us your thoughts, see the ideas of your neighbors and find contact information for legislators.