1 |
S.1453 |
An Act improving the fairness of our tax laws |
Sonia Chang-Diaz |
2 |
S.1459 |
An Act to sustain community preservation revenue |
Cynthia S. Creem |
3 |
S.1463 |
An Act relative to the improvement in the process for collecting delinquent property taxes |
Sal N. DiDomenico |
4 |
S.1473 |
An Act relative to retaliatory taxation |
Benjamin B. Downing |
5 |
S.1479 |
An Act relative to the inventory tax |
Ryan C. Fattman |
6 |
S.1480 |
An Act stimulating small business investment |
Ryan C. Fattman |
7 |
S.1482 |
An Act relative to certain endowment funds in private institutions of higher learning |
Anne M. Gobi |
8 |
S.1496 |
An Act to abolish the sting tax |
Brian A. Joyce |
9 |
S.1500 |
An Act relative to homeowners associations |
Brian A. Joyce |
10 |
S.1508 |
An Act to eliminate the tax deduction for direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical marketing |
Jason M. Lewis |
11 |
S.1509 |
An Act relative to excessive executive compensation |
Jason M. Lewis |
12 |
S.1510 |
An Act to pro-rate the corporate excise tax |
Jason M. Lewis |
13 |
S.1516 |
An Act relative to essential health benefits |
Barbara A. L'Italien |
14 |
S.1524 |
An Act closing a corporate tax haven loophole |
Mark C. Montigny |
15 |
S.1528 |
An Act relative to the filing of annual returns by small public charities |
Michael O. Moore |
16 |
S.1543 |
An Act modernizing the corporate excise tax |
Michael J. Rodrigues |
17 |
S.1546 |
An Act to clarify the net-worth measure of the corporate excise |
Michael J. Rodrigues |
18 |
S.1558 |
An Act to promote business continuity and recovery after a disaster |
Michael F. Rush |
19 |
S.1560 |
An Act to promote business growth |
Michael F. Rush |
20 |
S.1564 |
An Act extending single sales factor apportionment to all retail and wholesale corporations |
Karen E. Spilka |
21 |
S.1565 |
An Act to clarify the net-worth measure of the corporate excise |
Karen E. Spilka |
22 |
S.1567 |
An Act to reform state economic substance rules |
Karen E. Spilka |
23 |
S.1577 |
An Act clarifying the application of the throw out rule for corporate excise sales factor apportionment purposes |
Bruce E. Tarr |
24 |
S.1584 |
An Act extending single sales factor apportionment to all retail and wholesale corporations |
Bruce E. Tarr |
25 |
S.1591 |
An Act to phase out the corporate excise tax on property of net worth |
Bruce E. Tarr |
26 |
S.1592 |
An Act relative to corporate excise tax reform |
Bruce E. Tarr |
27 |
S.1597 |
An Act removing impediments to corporate growth |
Bruce E. Tarr |
28 |
S.1599 |
An Act An act creating an incentive for job creation |
Bruce E. Tarr |
29 |
S.1601 |
An Act extending net operating losses to financial institutions and utility corporations |
Bruce E. Tarr |
30 |
S.1603 |
An Act to promote economic growth in the Commonwealth |
Bruce E. Tarr |
31 |
H.2457 |
An Act relative to the minimum corporate tax |
Kate D. Campanale |
32 |
H.2458 |
An Act relative to the schedule of payment of estimated corporate taxes |
Kate D. Campanale |
33 |
H.2477 |
An Act closing a certain corporate tax haven loophole |
Josh S. Cutler |
34 |
H.2480 |
An Act relative to estimated quarterly corporate tax payments |
Angelo L. D'Emilia |
35 |
H.2548 |
An Act to Clarify the Net-worth Measure of the Corporate Excise |
Randy Hunt |
36 |
H.2549 |
An Act Clarifying the Application of the Throw Out Rule for Corporate Excise Sales Factor Apportionment Purposes |
Randy Hunt |
37 |
H.2560 |
An Act relative to the gradual elimination of the inventory tax |
Bradley H. Jones, Jr. |
38 |
H.2562 |
An Act Relative to Corporate Minimum Tax Exemption |
Bradley H. Jones, Jr. |
39 |
H.2573 |
An Act relative to a three year corporate minimum tax exemption |
James M. Kelcourse |
40 |
H.2587 |
An Act to sustain community preservation revenue |
Stephen Kulik |
41 |
H.2588 |
An Act relative to the property tax classification of small businesses |
David Paul Linsky |
42 |
H.2605 |
An Act relative to the improvement in the process for collecting delinquent property taxes |
John J. Mahoney |
43 |
H.2622 |
An Act to establish tax transparency and strengthen the reporting requirements of public charities and to establish reporting requirements for the trustees and directors of public charities |
Michael J. Moran |
44 |
H.2642 |
An Act exempting inventory from taxation |
Shaunna L. O'Connell |
45 |
H.2650 |
An Act extending net operating losses to financial institutions |
Alice Hanlon Peisch |
46 |
H.2653 |
An Act reforming economic substance rules |
Alice Hanlon Peisch |
47 |
H.2664 |
An Act relative to the corporate excise tax |
Elizabeth A. Poirier |
48 |
H.2701 |
An Act Relative to the Taxation of Inventory in Manufacturing |
Jonathan D. Zlotnik |