1 |
S.1341 |
An Act relative to retirement benefits for care givers at the Soldiers' Homes |
Sal N. DiDomenico |
2 |
S.1355 |
An Act to establish retirement parity for long term public defenders |
James B. Eldridge |
3 |
S.1366 |
An Act relative to the Bureau of Fire Control employees |
Anne M. Gobi |
4 |
S.1367 |
An Act relative to the retirement rights of building trades employees at institutions of public higher education |
Anne M. Gobi |
5 |
S.1387 |
An Act relative to defining employees in Group 2 |
Thomas P. Kennedy |
6 |
S.1390 |
An Act relative to Brockton School Police |
Thomas P. Kennedy |
7 |
S.1399 |
An Act relative to authorizing a local option for group retirement classification |
Thomas M. McGee |
8 |
S.1404 |
An Act relative to the retirement of University of Massachusetts police |
Michael O. Moore |
9 |
S.1405 |
An Act relative to harbormasters |
Kathleen O'Connor Ives |
10 |
S.1411 |
An Act relative to MassPort officers |
Anthony W. Petruccelli |
11 |
S.1442 |
An Act relative to the retirement benefits of state police dispatchers |
James E. Timilty |
12 |
H.2215 |
An Act relative to the definition of Group 4 of the retirement system |
Tackey Chan |
13 |
H.2219 |
An Act designating certain employees of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to be in Group 2 of the contributory retirement system |
Tackey Chan |
14 |
H.2223 |
An Act to include certain employees of the Commonwealth in group two of the state retirement system |
Tackey Chan |
15 |
H.2225 |
An Act relative to employee retirement |
Tackey Chan |
16 |
H.2226 |
An Act relative to the definition of group two of the public employee retirement system |
Tackey Chan |
17 |
H.2228 |
An Act relative to attorneys at the Department of Children and Families |
Tackey Chan |
18 |
H.2231 |
An Act relative to the definition of Group 4 of the retirement system |
Tackey Chan |
19 |
H.2235 |
An Act relative to the retirement rights of heavy equipment operators |
Tackey Chan |
20 |
H.2239 |
An Act designating certain employees to be in Group 2 of the contributory retirement system |
Tackey Chan |
21 |
H.2246 |
An Act relative to providing fairness and equity in the retirement benefits of employees of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, sewer departments, sewer districts, water and sewer departments and districts, and wastewater facilities |
Nick Collins |
22 |
H.2280 |
An Act relative to retirement benefits for Massachusetts housing authority electricians |
Daniel M. Donahue |
23 |
H.2285 |
An Act relative to defining employees classified in Group 4 |
James J. Dwyer |
24 |
H.2297 |
An Act to clarify group 2 |
Sean Garballey |
25 |
H.2298 |
An Act designating certain employees of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to be in Group 2 of the contributory retirement system |
Sean Garballey |
26 |
H.2316 |
An Act relative to retirement for nuclear reactor operators |
Thomas A. Golden, Jr. |
27 |
H.2317 |
An Act relative to the retirement benefits of certain employees of the Department of Transitional Assistance and the Department of Housing and Community Development |
Thomas A. Golden, Jr. |
28 |
H.2335 |
An Act to amend retirement benefits for certain employees of the Department of Youth Services |
Russell E. Holmes |
29 |
H.2347 |
An Act relative to victim witness advocate retirement classification |
Louis L. Kafka |
30 |
H.2352 |
An Act to amend retirement benefits for certain employees of the Parole Board |
Mary S. Keefe |
31 |
H.2353 |
An Act relative to the retirement benefits of state police dispatchers |
Peter V. Kocot |
32 |
H.2361 |
An Act relative to the retirement rights of criminal prosecutors |
David Paul Linsky |
33 |
H.2363 |
An Act relative to retirement groups |
Jay D. Livingstone |
34 |
H.2380 |
An Act realtive to employees of the Commonwealth who are required to respond to crime scenes |
Harold P. Naughton, Jr. |
35 |
H.2386 |
An Act relative to the retirement benefits of certain employees at the Department of Children and Families |
James J. O'Day |
36 |
H.2400 |
An Act relative to retirement benefits for care givers at the soldier's homes |
Daniel J. Ryan |
37 |
H.2415 |
An Act relative to the Massachusetts state retirement system |
Todd M. Smola |
38 |
H.2424 |
An Act to amend the retirement benefits for certain employees of the department of youth services |
Timothy J. Toomey, Jr. |
39 |
H.2425 |
An Act to amend retirement benefits for certain employees of the Department of Correction |
Timothy J. Toomey, Jr. |
40 |
H.2427 |
An Act relative to the retirement of nurses |
Timothy J. Toomey, Jr. |
41 |
H.2428 |
An Act relative to employees of the Department of Fire Services |
Timothy J. Toomey, Jr. |
42 |
H.2429 |
An Act Relative to Retirement Benefits for Installation Security Officers |
Steven Ultrino |
43 |
H.2433 |
An Act An act further regulating employee benefits |
Chris Walsh |
44 |
H.3694 |
An Act relative to the retirement classification of Boston school police officers |
Daniel Cullinane |