1 |
H.83 |
An Act relative to family day care disclosures |
Claire D. Cronin |
2 |
H.89 |
An Act relative to special education funding |
William C. Galvin |
3 |
H.92 |
An Act to establish an office of youth development |
Carlos González |
4 |
H.122 |
An Act to establish an office of youth development |
Bud Williams |
5 |
H.96 |
An Act relative to the tuition of children in department of housing and community development family shelters |
Louis L. Kafka |
6 |
H.99 |
An Act providing standards for in-home parent coaching |
Stephen Kulik |
7 |
S.67 |
An Act providing guidelines for home visiting programs |
Kathleen O'Connor Ives |
8 |
H.111 |
An Act relative to the licensure and regulation of au pair and nanny agencies by the Department of Early Education and Care |
Elizabeth A. Poirier |
9 |
H.115 |
An Act to end child homelessness |
Denise Provost |
10 |
H.119 |
Resolve providing for an investigation and study by a special commission relative to gender-responsive programming for juvenile justice system involved girls |
Chynah Tyler |
11 |
S.49 |
An Act providing for an investigation and study by a special interagency task force relative to gender-responsive programming for juvenile justice system-involved girls |
Linda Dorcena Forry |
12 |
H.1968 |
An Act establishing a commission on the status of children and youth |
Paul Tucker |
13 |
H.1969 |
An Act establishing a special commission on two-generation approaches to childhood education |
Steven Ultrino |
14 |
S.38 |
An Act establishing a special commission on two-generation approaches to childhood education |
James B. Eldridge |
15 |
H.2796 |
An Act Providing immediate childcare assistance to homeless families |
Marjorie C. Decker |
16 |
H.3463 |
An Act relative to the Children's Behavioral Health Initiative |
Aaron Vega |
17 |
H.3801 |
An Act relative to enhancing public transparency to support quality care outcomes in all child serving organizations |
Colleen M. Garry |
18 |
H.3847 |
An Act relative to early intervention services for children with prenatal exposure to opioids |
Patricia A. Haddad |
19 |
S.27 |
An Act relative to juvenile justice data |
Joseph A. Boncore |
20 |
S.46 |
An Act creating a Bill of Rights for people experiencing homelessness |
Linda Dorcena Forry |
21 |
S.48 |
An Act to promote the appropriate treatment of young children |
Linda Dorcena Forry |
22 |
S.74 |
An Act relative to the counting of certain residences as affordable housing |
Richard J. Ross |