1 |
S.1261 |
An Act creating a special commission on racism and mental health |
Harriette L. Chandler |
2 |
S.1276 |
An Act addressing barriers to care for mental health |
Julian Cyr |
3 |
H.2062 |
An Act relative to increasing access to psychological services |
Ruth B. Balser |
4 |
H.2078 |
An Act to promote high value and evidence-based behavioral health care |
Michael S. Day |
5 |
H.2082 |
An Act to identify and eliminate racial and sexual orientation and gender identity disparities in mental health |
Marjorie C. Decker |
6 |
H.2094 |
An Act to ensure full system accountability for mental health parity |
Thomas A. Golden, Jr. |
7 |
H.2064 |
An Act to require equitable payment from the Commonwealth |
Ruth B. Balser |
8 |
S.1307 |
An Act establishing a task force for person centered mental health care |
Susan L. Moran |
9 |
H.2109 |
An Act to further define medical necessity determinations |
Michael P. Kushmerek |
10 |
H.2113 |
An Act to remove administrative barriers to behavioral health services |
Elizabeth A. Malia |
11 |
H.2065 |
An Act to update mental health parity |
Ruth B. Balser |
12 |
S.1257 |
An Act establishing a commission on the history of state institutions for people with developmental and mental health disabilities in the Commonwealth |
Michael J. Barrett |
13 |
S.1295 |
An Act to remove administrative barriers to behavioral health services |
John F. Keenan |
14 |
H.2095 |
An Act relative to requiring insurance providers cover a minimum of 30 days for in-patient substance abuse treatment |
Thomas A. Golden, Jr. |
15 |
H.2090 |
An Act establishing a special commission to study and report on the history of state institutions for people with developmental and mental health disabilities in the Commonwealth |
Sean Garballey |
16 |
S.1288 |
An Act removing preauthorization requirements for mental health acute treatment |
Cindy F. Friedman |