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March 26, 2025 Clouds | 39°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Senator John F. Keenan Democrat - Norfolk and Plymouth

Photo of  John F. Keenan

State House

24 Beacon St.
Room 413-F
Boston, MA, 02133
(617) 722-1494
Follow In My Legislature Bill Docket Bill Pinslip/Title
  SD.2768 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill) (subject to Joint Rule 12) of John F. Keenan for legislation to authorize the State Board of Retirement to grant creditable service to Roberta Wollons. Public Service.
S.139  SD.930 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 139) of John F. Keenan, Michael J. Barrett, Alyson M. Sullivan-Almeida, Jacob R. Oliveira and other members of the General Court for legislation to update terminology and investigative practices related to the protection of persons with disabilities. Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities.
S.247  SD.907 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 247) of John F. Keenan for legislation to increase the number of continuing education hours of podiatrists. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure.
S.248  SD.1646 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 248) of John F. Keenan and Paul W. Mark for legislation to license and regulate surgical assistants. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure.
S.302  SD.1657 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 302) of John F. Keenan, Lindsay N. Sabadosa and Patricia D. Jehlen for legislation to address economic, health and social harms caused by sports betting. Economic Development and Emerging Technologies.
S.381  SD.868 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 381) of John F. Keenan, Mark C. Montigny and Donald R. Berthiaume, Jr. for legislation to limit cell phones in classrooms. Education.
S.382  SD.869 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 382) of John F. Keenan, Dylan A. Fernandes, Adam Gomez, Sal N. DiDomenico and other members of the General Court for legislation to require opioid use disorder education in public schools. Education.
S.383  SD.934 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 383) of John F. Keenan for legislation to create a facilities loan program for private special education schools. Education.
S.516  SD.939 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 516) of John F. Keenan, James K. Hawkins and Michael O. Moore for legislation to protect democracy. Election Laws.
S.609  SD.872 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 609) of John F. Keenan for legislation to prohibit hotels from providing plastic-packaged personal care products. Environment and Natural Resources.
S.768  SD.876 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by resolve, Senate, No. 768) of John F. Keenan, Steven Owens and Vanna Howard that provisions be made to create a special commission on affordable housing insurance. Financial Services.
S.769  SD.936 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 769) of John F. Keenan, James B. Eldridge, James K. Hawkins and Michael O. Moore for legislation to provide continuity of care for mental health treatment. Financial Services.
S.770  SD.943 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 770) of John F. Keenan for legislation to prevent inappropriate denials by insurers for medically necessary services. Financial Services.
S.771  SD.947 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 771) of John F. Keenan, James B. Eldridge, James K. Hawkins and Michael O. Moore for legislation relative to dual diagnosis treatment coverage. Financial Services.
S.772  SD.971 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 772) of John F. Keenan, James B. Eldridge, James K. Hawkins, Michael J. Barrett and others for legislation to increases mandatory coverage for addiction care recovery. Financial Services.
S.773  SD.1645 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 773) of John F. Keenan for legislation to expand access to mental health services for inpatient treatment. Financial Services.
S.871  SD.924 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 871) of John F. Keenan, James B. Eldridge, James K. Hawkins, Michael O. Moore and other members of the General Court for legislation to require MassHealth to cover medical treatments essential for people with a developmental disability, intellectual disability, or autism. Health Care Financing.
S.872  SD.953 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 872) of John F. Keenan, Joanne M. Comerford, Michael J. Barrett and Michael O. Moore for legislation to establish a community health center nurse practitioner residency program. Health Care Financing.
S.873  SD.954 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 873) of John F. Keenan for legislation relative to hospital closures and health planning. Health Care Financing.
S.874  SD.981 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 874) of John F. Keenan, James B. Eldridge, James K. Hawkins, David Paul Linsky and other members of the General Court for legislation to strengthen mental health centers. Health Care Financing.
S.999  SD.987 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 999) of John F. Keenan for legislation relative to impose notification requirements on both tenants and landlords when bed bugs are found at a property. Housing.
S.1137  SD.912 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1137) of John F. Keenan for legislation to prevent fires and secondhand smoke in non-smoking rental housing. The Judiciary.
S.1138  SD.926 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1138) of John F. Keenan, Jason M. Lewis, Brendan P. Crighton, Patrick M. O'Connor and others for legislation to clarify a right of a durable power of attorney. The Judiciary.
S.1139  SD.1658 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1139) of John F. Keenan for legislation to restore the statute of limitations for deaths due to tobacco use. The Judiciary.
S.1342  SD.915 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1342) of John F. Keenan for legislation to provide railroad workers' earned sick time. Labor and Workforce Development.
S.1343  SD.919 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1343) of John F. Keenan, Michael O. Moore, David F. DeCoste, Rebecca L. Rausch and other members of the General Court for legislation to provide collective bargaining rights for legislative employees. Labor and Workforce Development.
S.1344  SD.929 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1344) of John F. Keenan, Jason M. Lewis, Patricia D. Jehlen, Sal N. DiDomenico and other members of the Senate for legislation relative to transparency in employee benefits reporting in private construction. Labor and Workforce Development.
S.1345  SD.957 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1345) of John F. Keenan, Steven Owens, James B. Eldridge and James K. Hawkins for legislation to expand access to commuter transit benefits offered by employers. Labor and Workforce Development.
S.1346  SD.1114 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1346) of John F. Keenan, Steven Owens, James K. Hawkins and Patricia D. Jehlen for legislation to establish an employee parking cash-out option. Labor and Workforce Development.
S.1404  SD.917 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1404) of John F. Keenan for legislation to ensure equitable behavioral health access and care for Masshealth recipients. Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery.
S.1405  SD.937 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1405) of John F. Keenan for legislation to repeal the sunset date for drug stewardship. Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery.
S.1406  SD.962 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1406) of John F. Keenan and James K. Hawkins for legislation relative to the prescription monitor program. Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery.
S.1448  SD.950 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1448) of John F. Keenan for legislation relative to variances. Municipalities and Regional Government.
S.1449  SD.955 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1449) of John F. Keenan, Marcus S. Vaughn, Steven George Xiarhos, Paul K. Frost and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to firefighter residency. Municipalities and Regional Government.
S.1450  SD.958 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1450) of John F. Keenan (with approval of the mayor and city council) for legislation relative to the issuance of revenue bonds for the construction and reconstruction of telecommunications facilities by the city of Quincy. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.]
S.1550  SD.865 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1550) of John F. Keenan and James B. Eldridge for legislation to require establishments that sell alcoholic beverages to post the risk of cancer due to the consumption of alcohol. Public Health.
S.1551  SD.906 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1551) of John F. Keenan, James B. Eldridge and Ryan C. Fattman for legislation to establish a naloxone purchase trust fund to support a universal purchase system for opioid antagonist distribution in the commonwealth. Public Health.
S.1552  SD.922 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1552) of John F. Keenan for legislation to expand the newborn screening panel to include pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency. Public Health.
S.1553  SD.961 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1553) of John F. Keenan for legislation relative to the determination of need of new technology. Public Health.
S.1554  SD.963 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1554) of John F. Keenan and James B. Eldridge for legislation to provide counseling about lung cancer screening to individuals accessing the Massachusetts Quitline. Public Health.
S.1709  SD.914 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1709) of John F. Keenan, James B. Eldridge and Patricia D. Jehlen for legislation to distribute Narcan to a detainee or prisoner at risk for an overdose upon discharge from a correctional facility. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S.1710  SD.964 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1710) of John F. Keenan for legislation relative to the requirement of explosive gas sensor devices in buildings owned or operated by the commonwealth. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S.1711  SD.1647 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1711) of John F. Keenan for legislation to require all state and county correctional facilities to provide medication for addiction treatment (MAT) for substance use disorder or alcohol use disorder. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S.2020  SD.952 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2020) of John F. Keenan, Patricia D. Jehlen and Jason M. Lewis for legislation to protect youth from nicotine addiction by increasing the tax on cigarettes. Revenue.
S.2100  SD.875 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by resolve, Senate, No. 2100) of John F. Keenan and Rebecca L. Rausch that provisions be made for an investigation and study by a special commission on additional regular compensation for certain members and annual expenses for members of general court. Rules of the two branches, acting concurrently.
S.2157  SD.940 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2157) of John F. Keenan and Rebecca L. Rausch for legislation relative to Massachusetts time zones and sunshine protection. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.
S.2158  SD.973 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2158) of John F. Keenan and Robyn K. Kennedy for legislation relative to municipal light plants to expand protection for other plant services, telecommunications and cable services. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.
S.2398  SD.871 By Mr. Keenan, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2398) of John F. Keenan, James B. Eldridge and Patricia D. Jehlen for legislation to direct the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority to place naloxone in subway stations. Transportation.
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.