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January 17, 2025 Clouds | 21°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Recent and Popular Bills

Recent Bills

Follow In My Legislature Bill No. Title
HD.3261  An Act relative to language access and inclusion
HD.3260  An Act to promote responsive city government
HD.3259  An Act to strengthen the taxpayer protection act
HD.3258  An Act allowing peer-to-peer cardrooms
SD.1891  An Act to protect the integrity of town meetings
SD.1890  An Act relative to cognitive rehabilitation for individuals with an acquired brain injury
SD.1889  An Act relative to licensed care and financial resource information for new parents and guardians
HD.3257  An Act releasing certain land use restrictions held by the commonwealth in the city of Revere
SD.1888  An Act to promote economic opportunity by licensing home kitchens
SD.1887  An Act authorizing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to establish additional mandated reporters for the purpose of the protection and care of children

Popular Bills

Bill No. Title
S.2943  An Act amending the charter of the city known as the town of Southbridge
S.2523  An Act relative to the town charter for the town of Southbridge
S.2510  An Act authorizing the town of Sandwich 5 additional liquor licenses
S.2861  An Act authorizing the town of Sandwich to grant additional licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises
S.2860  An Act authorizing the town of Provincetown to grant 2 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises
S.2955  An Act authorizing the town of Andover to convert a certain parcel of land for general municipal purposes
S.2497  An Act authorizing the town of Provincetown to grant 5 additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises
S.2581  An Act authorizing the town of Andover to convert a certain parcel of land for general municipal purposes
S.2840  An Act authorizing the town of Milton to use certain land acquired for conservation purposes for school purposes
S.2549  An Act authorizing the town of Milton to use certain property for school purposes