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Bill Number | Amend. Number | Filed By | Result Summary |
S.2545 |
Rausch, Rebecca L. |
Ensuring Election Day Registration in All Elections
in section 7, in line 50, by striking the word “a” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- any municipal preliminary or election or presidential or state; and ... |
H.4791 |
Kushmerek, Michael P. |
Streamlining Documentation Requirement
in section 7, lines 110 to 115, inclusive, by striking the following: “Any cost imposed upon a host community by the operation of a marijuana establishment or medical marijuana ... |
S.2953 |
Cyr, Julian |
Correcting Demographic Categories
in section 7, by striking out, in line 24, the first time it appears, the word “gender” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “birth sex”; In said section 7, by ... |
H.4768 |
Santiago, Jon |
Technical Amendment
Mr. Santiago and Mr. Roy move to amend the bill in section 7(b)(1) by striking out, in line 109, “Saturday, August 22, 2020” and inserting in place thereof the following ... |
S.2953 |
Chang-Diaz, Sonia |
Disparities Data
in section 7, by striking out, in lines 24, 34 and 76, the words “, to the extent feasible,”; and in said section 7, by inserting after the word “delay ... |
H.4638 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Handicap Accessibility
by striking section 7 in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following:- "SECTION 7. Item 6921-2112 of said section 2I of said chapter 383, as amended by section 7 of ... |
H.4638 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Electric charging infrastructure
by striking section 7 in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following:- "SECTION 7. Item 6921-2112 of said section 2I of said chapter 383, as amended by section 7 of ... |
S.2203 |
Barrett, Michael J. |
Encouraging the use of paraprofessionals in priority schools
, in section 7, by inserting, in line 209, after the figure “(x)”, the following words:- “provide for increased usage of teachers’ aides or other paraprofessionals to provide ... |
S.2570 |
Brownsberger, William N. |
Side Guards
by striking out, in line 35, the words “or agricultural tractor” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “, agricultural tractor or any other class or type of vehicle ... |
S.1979 |
Dooley, Shawn |
Dooley Amendment 1
by striking out, in line 37, the figure “6” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- 7; and, is hereby further amended by striking out, in line 40, the figure “7” and ... |
H.4879 |
Roy, Jeffrey N. |
Corrective change to sports betting licenses
in Section 7, section 12 (b) of Chapter 23N as inserted by said Section 7 by adding the words “category 2” after the words “category 1” and before the words “and category 3 ... |
S.1925 |
Pacheco, Marc R. |
Tipped Minimum Wage
by inserting after SECTION___, the following new sections:- SECTION__: Section 7 of said chapter 151 is hereby amended by striking out the words “the cash wage required to be ... |
H.4617 |
Madaro, Adrian |
Supporting Community Health Centers
by inserting in line 1048 of SECTION 46, subsection (h) the following:- “and (7) to reduce the cost of emergency care by supporting federally qualified community health ... |
H.4400 |
Pignatelli, Smitty |
Elizabeth Mumbet Freeman Highway to Freedom
moves to amend the bill by adding the following section: “SECTION XXXX ... The section of United States highway route 7 in the town of Sheffield beginning at the intersection of U.S. ... |
S.1925 |
Pacheco, Marc R. |
Tipped Minimum Wage
further amend amendment #1 (Senate No. 1925) by striking out the amendment and inserting in place thereof the following new text:- SECTION__: Section 7 of said chapter 151 is ... |
S.3 |
Fargo, Susan C. |
Municipal Gas Tax Reimbursement
by inserting, after section 152, the following new Section:- "SECTION 153 ... Chapter 64A of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 7A the following section ... |
H.4730 |
Naughton, Harold P. |
Equitable Education Funding
in section 7, in line 101, by inserting after the word “including” the word “(a)” and in section 7, in line 102, by inserting after the word “2016;” the words “and (b) districts ... |
S.2953 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Accounting for Information Technology needs in order to further assist the Department of Children and Family Services
in section 7, by inserting after the word “regions”, in line 103, the following words:- “and any information technology needs necessary to comply with the goals of the 5-year plan ... |
H.4012 |
Michlewitz, Aaron |
HWM Tech
moves to amend the bill in section 6 by striking out, in line 202, the figure “7” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- 9; And moves to further amend the bill in ... |
H.4461 |
Cahill, Daniel |
Merit Rating
in Section 7(a), by inserting after the word “registrar,” the following:- “except information maintained by the Massachusetts motor vehicle insurance merit rating board may be ... |
H.4879 |
Roy, Jeffrey N. |
Purposed changes to sports wagering law
in SECTION 7, in Section 6(a)(3) Section 12(b) of chapter 23N, as inserted by said SECTION 7, by inserting after the words: “at least 1 year at the time of enactment of this act ... |
S.3 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Meals Tax Holiday
by inserting after section ____ the following section:- "SECTION ... (a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, for the days of October 2-7 2023, inclusive, the ... |
H.3790 |
Speliotis, Theodore C. |
Floor Amendment
by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the following:- “Notwithstanding the notice requirements in subsection (1) of section 7 of chapter 32 ... |
H.4314 |
Cahill, Daniel |
Short-Term Rental Host Registration
in Section 7, by striking the first paragraph and inserting in place thereof the following new paragraph: Section 7. By listing a residential unit for short-term rental through ... |
H.3900 |
Madaro, Adrian C. |
Emergency Services Patient Access
moves to amend the bill in section 2, in item 4510-0110, in the final line, by inserting after “section 254c(f)(1)” the following: “; provided further, that not less than $300,000 ... |