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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Bill S.1994 189th (2015 - 2016)

An Act further regulating tanning facilities

The committee on Public Health to whom was referred the petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1229) of James E. Timilty, Marjorie C. Decker, Denise Provost, David M. Rogers and other members of the General Court for legislation to regulate tanning facilities,- reports the accompanying bill (Senate, No. 1994).

Bill Information

Joint Committee on Public Health

Bill History

Displaying 19 actions for Bill S.1994
Date Branch Action
8/10/2015 Senate Reported from the committee on Public Health
8/10/2015 Senate New draft of S1229
8/10/2015 Senate Bill reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Senate Rules
9/17/2015 Senate Committee reported that the matter be placed in the Orders of the Day
9/17/2015 Senate Order relative to subject matter adopted
9/24/2015 Senate Read second
9/24/2015 Senate Amendment (Fattman) rejected - Roll Call #162 [YEAS 6 - NAYS 32]
9/24/2015 Senate Read third
9/24/2015 Senate Ordered to a third reading
9/24/2015 Senate Passed to be engrossed - Roll Call #163 [YEAS 38 - NAYS 0]
9/28/2015 House Read; and referred to the committee on Health Care Financing
1/27/2016 House Committee recommended bill ought to pass and referred to the committee on House Steering, Policy and Scheduling
1/27/2016 House Read second, ordered to a third reading, rules suspended, read third
1/27/2016 House Rules suspended
1/27/2016 House Amendment rejected
1/27/2016 House Passed to be engrossed - 147 YEAS to 8 NAYS (See YEA and NAY in Supplement, No. 195)
1/28/2016 House Enacted
1/28/2016 Senate Enacted and laid before the Governor
2/5/2016 Executive Signed by the Governor, Chapter 31 of the Acts of 2016

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