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S.545 |
Collins, Nick
An Act relative to Admiral David G. Farragut Park
Shore Road shall be formally known as Farragut Park named after Admiral David G. Farragut ... No. 545) of Nick Collins for legislation relative to Admiral David G. Farragut Park ... |
S.1820 |
Cyr, Julian
An Act correcting pension inequity for James G. Clothier
authorized and directed to permit James G. Clothier to purchase ten years' of creditable ... No. 1820) of Julian Cyr for legislation to correct pension inequity for James G. Clothier ... |
H.2014 |
Turco, Jeffrey Rosario
An Act designating the Chelsea District Courthouse as The Kevin G. Murphy Judicial Center
shall be designated and known as the Kevin G. Murphy Judicial Center in honor of Clerk Magistrate Kevin G. Murphy, the Clerk Magistrate of the Chelsea ... |
HD.4392 |
Greater Attleboro-Taunton Regional Transit Authority |
A communication from the Greater Attleboro-Taunton Regional Transit Authority (see Section 8(g) of Chapter 161B of the General Laws) submitting their... | |
HD.4281 |
Status of Persons with Disabilities |
A communication from the Massachusetts Permanent Commission on the Status of Persons with Disabilities (see Section 74(g) of Chapter 3 of the General... | |
HD.4288 |
Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Aging |
A communication from the Commission on Older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Adults and their Caregivers (see Section 71 of Chapter 3 of the G... | |
HD.4393 |
Greater Attleboro-Taunton Regional Transit Authority |
A communication from the Greater Attleboro-Taunton Regional Transit Authority (see Section 8(g) of Chapter 161B of the General Laws) submitting a sin... | |
HD.4428 |
Greater Attleboro-Taunton Regional Transit Authority |
A communication from the Greater Attleboro-Taunton Regional Transit Authority (see Section 8(g) of Chapter 161B of the General Laws) submitting the A... | |
H.2807 |
Diggs, Kip A.
An Act to protect the retirement classification of Barnstable county dispatchers and dispatch retirees
a group 2 classification under subsection (2) (g), section 3 of chapter 32 of the General ... SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage ... |
S.1819 |
Cyr, Julian
An Act to protect the retirement classification of Barnstable county dispatchers and dispatch retirees
a group 2 classification under subsection (2) (g), section 3 of chapter 32 of the General ... SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage ... By Mr. Cyr, a petition (accompanied ... |
H.2905 |
Luddy, Hadley
An Act to protect the retirement classification of Barnstable county dispatchers and dispatch retirees
a group 2 classification under subsection (2) (g), section 3 of chapter 32 of the General ... SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage ... |
H.398 |
Howitt, Steven S.
An Act relative to disclosure notice in the right to repair motor vehicle data law
2022, is hereby amended by striking subsections (g) and (h) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection (g):- (g) The Attorney General is hereby directed to ... |
S.865 |
Finegold, Barry R.
An Act expanding the moral obligation bond program to acute care hospitals
SECTION 1. Paragraph (n1/2) of section 5 of chapter 614 of the acts of 1968, as inserted by ... SECTION 2. Subsection (g) of section 10 of said chapter 614, as amended by section 21 of ... |
H.2951 |
Robertson, David Allen
An Act relative to the equitable merger of the Group 4 and Group 2 retirement classifications of the University of Massachusetts police
SECTION 1. Group 4 of paragraph (g) of subdivision (2) of section 3 of chapter 32 of the ... By Representative Robertson of Tewksbury, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2951 ... |
H.1385 |
Lawn, Jr., John J.
An Act expanding the moral obligation bond program to acute care hospitals
SECTION 2. Subsection (g) of section 10 of chapter 614 of the acts of 1968, as inserted by ... By Representative Lawn of Watertown, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1385) of ... |
H.3002 |
Zlotnik, Jonathan D.
An Act relative to the retirement of University of Massachusetts police
SECTION 1. Group 2 of paragraph (g) of subdivision (2) of section 3 of chapter 32 of the ... SECTION 2. Group 4 of said paragraph (g) of said subdivision (2) of said section 3 of said ... |
H.467 |
Sousa, Priscila S.
An Act regularizing water rates for tenants
hereby further amended by inserting in subsection (g) after the words “shown on such bill ... By Representative Sousa of Framingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 467) of ... |
SD.2737 |
State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program |
FFY 2024 Annual LTCO OAAPS Report
Program (pursuant to 45 CFR 1324.13 (g) (2)) submitting its Federal Fiscal Year 2024 Older ... |
H.1288 |
Philips, Edward R.
An Act relative to telehealth parity for nutrition counseling
hereby further amended by striking out subsection (g) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:- (g) The division shall ensure that the rate ... |
S.716 |
Cyr, Julian
An Act relative to telehealth parity for nutrition counseling
hereby further amended by striking out subsection (g) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:- (g) The division shall ensure that the rate ... |
H.2066 |
Barber, Christine P.
An Act to impose fines on transportation network drivers who discriminate against riders with disabilities who use service animals
subsection:- (e) A driver who violates section 2(g) shall be punished by a fine of not ... SECTION 2. Section 2(g) of chapter 159A½ of the General Laws is hereby amended by ... |
H.1376 |
Kane, Hannah
An Act relative to the operating budgets of health care oversight agencies
hereby amended by adding the following clause:- (g) The total assessed amount for acute ... By Representative Kane of Shrewsbury, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1376) of ... |
H.1938 |
Puppolo, Jr., Angelo J.
An Act enhancing the issuance of citations for cruel conditions for animals
by striking out in subparts (f) and (g) each instance of the word “dog” and inserting in ... Boston, promulgate regulations to implement, enforce, and administer subparts (f) and (g ... |
S.1789 |
Brady, Michael D.
An Act relative to Brockton school police
Chapter 32 Sec 3(g) as appearing in the 2022 Official Edition, is hereby amended by adding ... By Mr. Brady, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1789) of Michael D. Brady for ... |
SD.2662 |
Massachusetts District Attorneys Association |
Non-Consensual Explicit Visual Material Minor Cases and Arraignments Report
district attorneys’ offices (pursuant to Section 7(g) of Chapter 118 of the Acts of 2024 ... |