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H.4334 |
Cutler, Josh S.
An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Duxbury as the George W. W. Scott Bridge
shall be designated and known as the George W. W. Scott Bridge, in honor of Mr. George W. W. Scott, a Civil War veteran and pioneering business ... After the war he worked as a ... |
H.976 |
Vincent, RoseLee
An Act relative to the trafficking of W-18
and others relative to the trafficking of W-18 or any derivative of W-18 and any mixture containing more than 10 grams of W-18 or a derivative of W-18 ... |
H.3472 |
Vincent, RoseLee
An Act relative to the trafficking of W-18
of RoseLee Vincent relative to the trafficking of W-18 or any derivative of W-18 and any mixture containing more than 10 grams of W-18 or a derivative of W-18 ... |
H.1606 |
Giannino, Jessica Ann
An Act relative to the trafficking of W-18
Ann Giannino relative to the trafficking of W-18 or any derivative of W-18 and any mixture containing more than 10 grams of W-18 or a derivative of W-18 ... |
SD.2232 |
Pacheco, Marc R.
An Act relative to the retirement of Thomas W. Chiocca
subject to Joint Rule 12) of Thomas W. Chiocca for legislation relative to the retirement of Thomas W. Chiocca ... |
SD.2777 |
Massachusetts Port Authority |
Massport 2021 Paul W. Conley Terminal Annual Report
of 2016) submitting its 2021 annual report on the Paul W. Conley Terminal in South Boston ... |
SD.3322 |
Massachusetts Port Authority |
Massport 2022 Paul W. Conley Terminal Annual Report
of 2016) submitting its 2022 annual report on the Paul W. Conley Terminal in South Boston ... |
SD.2776 |
Massachusetts Port Authority |
Massport 2023 Paul W. Conley Terminal Annual Report
of 2016) submitting its 2023 annual report on the Paul W. Conley Terminal in South Boston ... |
H.2399 |
Flynn, David L.
An Act relative to the retirement of Thomas W. Chiocca.
or special law to the contrary, Thomas W. Chiocca shall be eligible to file for and ... |
SD.2558 |
Massachusetts Port Authority |
Massport Report on the Paul W. Conley Terminal in South Boston
of 2016) submitting its 2019 annual report on the Paul W. Conley Terminal in South Boston ... |
SD.3065 |
Massachusetts Port Authority |
Massport Report on the Paul W. Conley Terminal in South Boston
of 2016) submitting its 2020 annual report on the Paul W. Conley Terminal in South Boston ... |
H.3781 |
Fallon, Christopher G.
An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Joseph W. Teta, an employee of the Trial Court
1 or more sick, personal or vacation days to the sick leave bank for use by Joseph W. Teta ... Whenever Joseph W. Teta terminates employment with the trial court or requests to dissolve ... |
H.3849 |
Cutler, Josh
An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Hanson as the Hon. Charles W. Mann Bridge
designated and known as the Honorable Charles W. Mann Bridge, in memory of Charles W. Mann and his many contributions to his community ... |
H.3482 |
Stanley, Harriett L.
An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Michael W. Kaplon, an employee of the Department of Revenue
shall establish a sick leave bank for Michael W. Kaplon, an employee of the child support ... more sick, personal or vacation days to the sick leave bank for use by Michael W. Kaplon ... |
S.2632 |
Downing, Benjamin B.
An Act authorizing the town of Cummington to continue the employment of Police Chief Dennis W. Forgea.
or special law to the contrary, Dennis W. Forgea, Chief of the Police Department of the ... be made from the regular compensation of Dennis W. Forgea under Chapter 32 of the General ... |
H.3479 |
Gordon, Kenneth I.
An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Wilmington as the Trooper Thomas W. Devlin memorial bridge
be designated and known as the Trooper Thomas W. Devlin Memorial Bridge in memory of State Trooper Thomas W. Devlin ... |
S.2082 |
Montigny, Mark C.
An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Kevin W. Rose, an employee of the Bristol County Sheriff’s office
1 or more sick, personal or vacation days to the sick leave bank for use by Kevin W. Rose ... Whenever Kevin W. Rose terminates employment with the sheriff’s office or requests to ... |
H.862 |
Ryan, Daniel J.
An Act designating a certain playground in the city of Chelsea as the Jack W. Fraser playground
be designated and known as the Jack W. Fraser Playground in honor and recognition of Jack W. Fraser, a longtime resident of Boston and ... |
H.4015 |
Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture (J) |
An Act designating a certain playground in the city of Chelsea as the Jack W. Fraser Memorial Playground
be designated and known as the Jack W. Fraser Memorial Playground in recognition of Jack W. Fraser who helped revitalize the Mary ... As a longtime Chelsea resident, he was active in ... |
H.4562 |
Gordon, Kenneth I.
An Act providing certain retirement benefits for Thomas W. Devlin, a trooper of the department of state police
annual amount of pension payable to Thomas W. Devlin shall be equal to the regular rate of ... Upon the death of the survivor of said Thomas W. Devlin and said Nancy E. Devlin the state ... |
SD.2830 |
Tarr, Bruce E.
An Act providing certain retirement benefits for Thomas W. Devlin, a trooper of the Department of State Police
annual amount of pension payable to Thomas W. Devlin shall be equal to the regular rate of ... Upon the death of the survivor of said Thomas W. Devlin and said Nancy E. Devlin the state ... |
H.4825 |
Public Service (J) |
An Act providing certain retirement benefits for Thomas W. Devlin, a trooper of the department of state police
annual amount of pension payable to Thomas W. Devlin shall be equal to the regular rate of ... Upon the death of the survivor of said Thomas W. Devlin and said Nancy E. Devlin the state ... |
S.2034 |
Brewer, Stephen M.
An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Barre as the Howard W. Dahart Memorial Bridge.
Powder Mill Bridge, will be designated and known as the Howard W. Dahart Memorial Bridge ... The department of highways shall erect suitable markers bearing that designation in ... |
H.3792 |
Story, Ellen
An Act authorizing the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to acquire certain parcels of land in the town of Amherst
E for 22.59 feet, thence N13º41’14”W (N13º41’14”W NAD-83-96 Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System Mainland zone = N02º43’25”W 1915 Magnetic Meridian) along SHLO line for ... |
H.4408 |
Whelan, Timothy R.
An Act designating a certain bridge as the Corporal Orie D.W Sampson Jr. Memorial Bridge
number, shall be designated and known as the Corporal Orie D.W Sampson Jr. Memorial Bridge ... SECTION 2. The Department of Transportation shall elect and maintain suitable markers ... |