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February 09, 2025 Clouds | 25°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.107  An Act relative to greyhound simulacasting Patricia D. Jehlen
S.121  An Act increasing the penalty for health-related risks associated with cosmetology. Thomas M. McGee
S.124  An Act relative to horse racing Anthony W. Petruccelli
S.125  An Act relative to mobile spas Michael J. Rodrigues
S.131  An Act extending simulcasting Richard J. Ross
S.1876  An Act authorizing the city of Westfield to convert a seasonal license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises to an annual license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises Michael R. Knapik
H.93  An Act defining the term apprentice cosmetologist. Demetrius J. Atsalis
H.94  An Act relative to drop out rates and loan defaults for certain students Demetrius J. Atsalis
H.95  An Act regulating apprenticeships under the practice of cosmetology Demetrius J. Atsalis
H.96  An Act relative to disclosing financial obligations to students enrolling in cosmetology schools. Demetrius J. Atsalis
H.97  An Act relative to the recruitment of cosmetology students Demetrius J. Atsalis
H.999  An Act regulating apprenticeships under the practice of cosmetology. Demetrius J. Atsalis
H.1000  An Act regulating the licensing of cosmetology schools Demetrius J. Atsalis
H.1001  An Act relative to membership of the Cosmetology Board of Registration. Demetrius J. Atsalis
H.1876  An Act relative to restaurant training Robert F. Fennell
H.3311  An Act authorizing the town of Montague to grant a license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises. Stephen Kulik
H.3343  An Act authorizing the licensing authority of the City of Woburn to issue eight additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises James J. Dwyer
H.3344  An Act authorizing the city of Marlborough to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises Steven L. Levy