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February 22, 2025 Clouds | 28°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.651  An Act relative to inspections of elevators in owner occupied single-family residences. Timothy R. Madden
H.642  An Act relative to inspection requirements for certain refrigeration and air conditioning units Michael A. Costello
H.644  An Act creating an amusements and attractions board Michael A. Costello
H.655  An Act relative to swimming pool alarms Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.
H.661  An Act to further clarify the responsibilities and duties of the chief of inspections of the division of inspections Theodore C. Speliotis
H.1554  An Act relative to steam boilers Stephen L. DiNatale
H.1560  An Act relative to administration of the trench safety law Stephen Kulik
H.1570  An Act further regulating excavation permits George N. Peterson, Jr.
H.2391  An Act relative to the inspection of boilers Mark J. Cusack
S.1185  An Act relative to trenches on private property. Stephen M. Brewer
S.1190  An Act relative to certain tanks used for the storage of fluids. Stephen M. Brewer
S.1241  An Act relative to meetings of the Board of Building Regulations and Standards James E. Timilty
S.1242  An Act relative to the meeting of the Board of Elevator Regulations James E. Timilty
S.1245  An Act relative to amusement devices James E. Timilty
S.1246  An Act relative to the Architectural Access Board James E. Timilty
S.1250  An Act relative to process piping. James E. Timilty
S.1252  An Act relative to the oversight of inspections James E. Timilty
S.1253  An Act relative to trench safety James E. Timilty
S.1238  An Act relative to penalties for the operation of an unsafe elevator James E. Timilty