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January 14, 2025 Clouds | 31°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.451  An Act providing for the establishment of a comprehensive adaptation management plan in response to climate change Marc R. Pacheco
S.455  An Act providing funding for clean energy and energy efficiency measures for the Commonwealth Marc R. Pacheco
S.456  An Act establishing tracking and reporting requirements for Massachusetts transportation fuels and associated greenhouse gas emissions Marc R. Pacheco
S.458  An Act relative to 2030 and 2040 emissions benchmarks Marc R. Pacheco
H.643  An Act establishing a commission on open space and green space Nick Collins
H.644  An Act relative to federally regulated renewable energy facilities Brendan P. Crighton
H.650  An Act extending the permit term authority of the Department of Conservation and Recreation on department property from 5 years to 10 years Paul J. Donato
H.701  An Act relative to studying tidal turbines Peter V. Kocot
H.707  An Act authorizing the establishment of old growth forest reserves Stephen Kulik
H.729  An Act relative to boater safety education James M. Murphy
H.738  An Act protecting school children from environmental toxins Denise Provost
H.741  An Act reducing human exposure to particulate matter pollution Denise Provost
H.743  An Act to repower Massachusetts Tom Sannicandro
H.752  An Act providing for the establishment of a comprehensive adaptation management plan in response to climate change Frank I. Smizik
H.754  An Act establishing tracking and reporting requirements for Massachusetts transportation fuels and associated greenhouse gas emissions Frank I. Smizik
H.772  An Act relative to underground infrastructure Chris Walsh
H.3235  An Act relative to public access to Long Island in Boston Harbor Bruce J. Ayers
H.3240  An Act establishing a special commission to study the administration of services to state owned forest and recreational lands in the Commonwealth Stephen Kulik
H.3243  An act providing free access to certain parks and recreation areas to Purple Heart Recipients. Aaron Vega