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January 14, 2025 Clouds | 32°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.472  An Act providing for alternative DPA compliance Bruce E. Tarr
H.617  Resolve to establish a special commission to perform an investigation and providing for a study relative to the long term management, maintenance and future use of the Boston Harbor Long and Moon Islands Bruce J. Ayers
H.618  An Act establishing a revolving fund to supplement the funding of waterway projects and coastal protection initiatives Bruce J. Ayers
H.619  An Act prohibiting the leasing of certain real property known as outer Brewster Island in Boston Harbor Bruce J. Ayers
H.620  An Act relative to the Division of Waterways to dredge Quincy Bay Bruce J. Ayers
H.631  An Act relative to the financing of dredging projects James M. Cantwell
H.632  An Act establishing a regional dredge grants program James M. Cantwell
H.633  An Act reestablishing the harbors and inland waters maintenance fund James M. Cantwell
H.635  An Act relative to community preservation funds for seawall repairs James M. Cantwell
H.637  An Act authorizing and directing the director of the Division of Waterways to dredge the harbor area surrounding Houghs Neck in the city of Quincy Tackey Chan
H.638  An Act expanding pleasure boat access to Boston Harbor Tackey Chan
H.639  An Act relative to DCR yacht club fee reflecting water way access Tackey Chan
H.678  An Act protecting the Commonwealth's lakes and ponds Sean Garballey
H.704  An Act to protect the right whale and other endangered sea life Peter V. Kocot
H.763  An Act to invasive plants William M. Straus