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December 26, 2024 Clouds | 33°F
The 193rd General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Health Care Financing

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.480  An Act clarifying eligibility for small group health insurance Steven A. Baddour
S.493  An Act to study disparities in health care resulting from changes in marital status. Cynthia S. Creem
S.494  An Act relative to insurance companies and quality measures. Cynthia S. Creem
S.495  An Act to mandate health benefit coverage for certain tests for the early detection of cardiovascular disease Cynthia S. Creem
S.502  An Act relative to administrative simplification in health insurance Susan C. Fargo
S.517  An Act relative to coverage for chronic illness. Mark C. Montigny
S.519  An Act relative to health care affordability Mark C. Montigny
S.524  An Act relative to supplemental lines of insurance. Michael O. Moore
S.532  An Act relative to eligibility for coverage Richard T. Moore
S.534  An Act relative to the provider’s council Richard T. Moore
S.540  An Act to provide for tobacco cessation benefits Richard T. Moore
S.545  An Act relative to prohibition on public-private cost shift Anthony W. Petruccelli
S.546  An Act strengthening the mandate review law Anthony W. Petruccelli
S.547  An Act applying mandate review to regulatory agencies Anthony W. Petruccelli
H.1222  An Act relative to streamlining administrative procedures Linda Dorcena Forry
H.1223  An Act Relative to Mandated Health Benefits Linda Dorcena Forry
H.1227  An Act to further define adverse determinations by insurers Kay Khan
H.1232  An Act imposing a temporary moratorium on new mandated benefits George N. Peterson, Jr.
H.1234  An Act to determine cost of mandates George N. Peterson, Jr.
H.1235  An Act relative to a health care mandate moratorium Harriett L. Stanley
H.2079  An act relative to carriers Garrett J. Bradley
H.2084  An Act to promote health care cost containment through select and tiered network plans John P. Fresolo
H.2085  An Act to improve affordability of health care John P. Fresolo
H.2092  An Act relative to mandated benefits Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.2099  An Act repealing mandated benefits that are no longer effective Joyce A. Spiliotis
H.2100  An Act relative to an affordable health plan Harriett L. Stanley
H.2101  An Act relative to health insurance David M. Torrisi