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January 20, 2025 Clear | 15°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.54  An Act to assess the impact of the public welfare system on the health and well-being of children Thomas M. McGee
S.55  An Act relative to the Safe Harbor for Exploited Children Act Thomas M. McGee
S.59  An Act protecting against frivolous claims Richard T. Moore
S.61  An Act relative to mandated reporters. Marc R. Pacheco
S.63  An Act revising the interstate compact on the placement of children Karen E. Spilka
S.65  An Act regarding the reinstatement of parental rights for certain children Karen E. Spilka
H.979  Resolve providing for an investigation and study by a special commission relative to adolescents at risk Colleen M. Garry
H.2674  An Act to study the need for drug rehabilitation for Department of Children and Families' clients Cheryl A. Coakley-Rivera
H.2678  An Act relative to court review of Deparment of Children and Families case plans Kay Khan
H.3262  An Act relative to nonviolent discipline Viriato Manuel deMacedo
H.3263  An Act to establish the changing of determination standard for the Department of Children and Families Dennis A. Rosa
H.3264  An Act to establish an Independent Ombudsman office, external of the Department of Children and Families Dennis A. Rosa