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March 07, 2025 Clouds | 37°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Elder Affairs

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.597  An Act increasing the penalties for unfair and deceptive actions perpetrated against persons with disabilities and senior citizens Bruce J. Ayers
H.598  An Act relative to early-onset Alzheimer's disease Bruce J. Ayers
H.602  An Act relative to providing dental care to senior citizens Tackey Chan
H.603  An Act relative to mandatory reporting of elder abuse Tackey Chan
H.609  An Act relative to promoting the betterment of resident health and safety in long term care facilities Denise C. Garlick
H.614  An Act to improve Alzheimer's’ and dementia care in senior care options programs Danielle W. Gregoire
H.616  An Act establishing a statewide financial literacy program special commission Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.620  An Act protecting elders and persons with disabilities Tram T. Nguyen
H.626  An Act relative to establishing multi-disciplinary teams with district attorneys to investigate elder abuse Elizabeth A. Poirier
H.628  An Act protecting elders from bullying Alan Silvia
H.631  An Act establishing a commission to study the financial abuse of elders John C. Velis
H.3711  An Act relative to food assistance for senior citizens Linda Dean Campbell
H.3830  An Act regulating beds out of service at long term care facilities Michael J. Moran
H.4063  An Act clarifying the classification of assisted living residences Kevin G. Honan
S.349  An Act relative to complex care needs for seniors Joseph A. Boncore
S.351  An Act relative to liability for medical assistance paid Harriette L. Chandler
S.359  An Act protecting elders and persons with disabilities Patricia D. Jehlen
S.367  An Act to improve Alzheimer's and dementia care in Senior Care Options program Jason M. Lewis
S.369  An Act to establish safe staffing levels at skilled nursing facilities Mark C. Montigny
S.371  An Act relative to the prescription drug coverage for seniors and the disabled Mark C. Montigny
S.2207  An Act relative to family visitation with a vulnerable adult Bruce E. Tarr
S.2376  An Act establishing adequate funding for residents of Massachusetts nursing homes Diana DiZoglio