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February 22, 2025 Clouds | 34°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Public Health

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.1079  An Act relative to adult dental restoration Harriette L. Chandler
S.1087  An Act to improve health care access Sal N. DiDomenico
S.1091  An Act to eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities in the Commonwealth Susan C. Fargo
S.1092  An Act to establish community based grant programs to eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities in the Commonwealth Susan C. Fargo
H.583  An Act relative to funding dental services provided by a community health center located in a primary service area of cape cod hospital. Demetrius J. Atsalis
H.596  An Act relative to eliminating health disparities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Peter J. Koutoujian
H.598  An Act to improve health care access Stephen Kulik
H.612  An Act relative to accessible medical equipment Denise Provost
H.631  An Act amending the children’s medical security plan. Cleon H. Turner
H.1496  An Act to improving access to eye and vision care in rural and underserved areas of the commonwealth Peter J. Koutoujian
H.1498  An Act to promote prevention and wellness through a public health trust Jason M. Lewis
H.1501  An Act improving the children's medical security program and simplifying the administration process Elizabeth A. Malia
H.1516  An Act requiring ambulatory surgicenters and clinical laboratories to serve MassHealth enrollees Kathi-Anne Reinstein
H.1517  An Act to eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities in the Commonwealth Jeffrey Sánchez
H.1518  An Act to establish community based grant programs to eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities in the Commonwealth Jeffrey Sánchez
H.1523  Resolve providing for an investigation and study by a special commission relative to reducing the wait time for medical equipment for children with special health care needs Jeffrey Sánchez
H.1529  An Act relative to adult dental restoration John W. Scibak
H.1530  An Act regarding MassHealth applications Carl M. Sciortino, Jr.
H.1531  An Act to require health care coverage for the medically necessary treatment for disease, illness, injury, or bodily dysfunction required by a student's individual educational program Frank I. Smizik
H.2353  An Act relative to managed care organization Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.2375  An Act relative to a child health policy council Jeffrey Sánchez
H.2895  An Act to ensure quality, affordability and access to primary and preventive health care, to eliminate health disparities, and to enhance economic growth throughout the Commonwealth Nick Collins
S.1105  An Act to ensure quality, affordability and access to primary and preventive health care, to eliminate health disparities, and to enhance economic growth throughout the Commonwealth. John Hart, Jr.
S.1117  An Act ensuring access to basic health care for children and young adults. Thomas M. McGee
S.1139  An Act relative to MassHealth enrollment for persons leaving correctional facilities Richard T. Moore
S.1153  An Act to require equitable payment from the Commonwealth Richard T. Moore