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February 01, 2025 Clear | 17°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.1784  An Act authorizing the city of Lynn to establish a program for enforcement against illegal dumping. Thomas M. McGee
S.1786  An Act authorizing the town of Nahant to issue certain bond anticipation notes Thomas M. McGee
S.932  amending the municipal ticket law. Sal N. DiDomenico
S.933  An Act relating to mutual aid for roadway reconstruction Sal N. DiDomenico
S.934  establishing a tax title collection revolving fund Kenneth J. Donnelly
S.936  An Act promoting cost savings in local government Benjamin B. Downing
S.937  promoting transparency in local government Benjamin B. Downing
S.943  An Act authorizing the voter directed classification of certain pollution abatement or remediation funds received by and for the use of any town or water supply district into a trust fund James B. Eldridge
S.948  An Act to allow municipalities to invest in credit unions Jennifer L. Flanagan
S.964  relative to promote transparency in municipal finance Richard T. Moore
S.981  relative to the local authorization of playing fields Daniel A. Wolf
S.984  An Act Pertaining to the Issuance of Notes by a City, County or Town, as Fiscal Administrator to the Cape Light Compact in Anticipation of Energy Efficiency Revenues to be Received by the Cape Light Compact as Municipal Aggregator and Energy Efficiency Program Administrator . Daniel A. Wolf
H.1820  An Act reforming additional assistance to municipalities Antonio F. D. Cabral
H.1821  An act establishing a community safe school fund Thomas J. Calter
H.1829  An Act relative to the establishment of a county stabilization fund Viriato Manuel deMacedo
H.1830  An Act authorizing municipal use of the prudent investor standards Viriato Manuel deMacedo
H.1839  An Act relative to regional stabilization funds Anne M. Gobi
H.1849  An Act creating a commission to study the effects of unfunded mandates on municipalities Steven S. Howitt
H.1850  An Act prohibiting lending of money by cities and towns. Donald Humason
H.1856  relative to municipal public works mutual aid Stephen Kulik
H.1857  An Act relative to streamlining municipal finance Stephen Kulik
H.1860  An Act relative to Cable PEG Access Enterprise Fund Kevin J. Kuros
H.1861  An Act extending municipal bonding terms for local infrastructure development programs Kevin J. Kuros
H.1862  An Act supporting municipal fiscal stability through a special education stabilization fund Jason M. Lewis
H.1865  An Act authorizing municipalities to utilize funds from enterprise accounts Ronald Mariano
H.1866  An Act relative to municipal relief Michael J. Moran
H.1879  An Act relative to coverage of medical emergency communication costs Cleon H. Turner
H.1883  An Act amending the municipal ticket law Martha M. Walz
H.1885  An Act relative to forward funding of local labor contracts Daniel B. Winslow
H.3429  An Act relative to municipal fees Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
H.3483  An Act authorizing the town of Andover to exchange certain parcels of land Frank A. Moran
H.3496  An Act authorizing increased fees for special details performed by public employees in the city of Melrose Paul Brodeur
H.3498  An Act relative to the elderly and disabled taxation aid committee in the town of Harvard Jennifer E. Benson
H.3499  An Act relative to police detail work in the town of Harvard Jennifer E. Benson