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February 01, 2025 Clouds | 27°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Public Service

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.1212  relative to supplemental dependent allowance Katherine M. Clark
S.1252  An Act relative to surviving spouses of retirees. Thomas M. McGee
S.1296  An Act providing additional benefits to survivors of certain public safety employees. James E. Timilty
H.2208  An Act relative to retirement systems and pension calculations James Arciero
H.2210  An Act relative to captains of the Massachusetts Department of Correction James Arciero
H.2224  An act relative to determining the cost of a service based retirement option for Group 1 and Group 2 career employees Michael D. Brady
H.2237  An Act authorizing retirement incentives for certain career employees Tackey Chan
H.2239  An Act providing for the retirement of all municipal employees Tackey Chan
H.2282  An Act relative to survivor benefits. Marjorie C. Decker
H.2283  An Act to insure a fair and equitable pension Marjorie C. Decker
H.2319  An Act regarding police and firefighter's compensation John P. Fresolo
H.2379  An Act relative to pension reform James J. Lyons, Jr.
H.2386  An Act relative to retired police officers Paul McMurtry
H.2391  An Act modifying the retirement benefits of certain widows and surviving spouses Michael J. Moran
H.24  relative to retirement benefits NONE
H.2404  An Act relative to retirement allowance computation. James J. O'Day
H.2433  An Act providing additional compensation for state police Todd M. Smola
H.2435  An Act relative to employees with concurrent service in two or more governmental units Todd M. Smola
H.2483  An Act relative to retiree check off Steven M. Walsh