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February 22, 2025 Clouds | 34°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Financial Services

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.409  An Act relative to financial services contracts for dental benefits corporations. Harriette L. Chandler
S.411  An Act to establish standards for long term care insurance Harriette L. Chandler
S.418  An Act relative to insurer responsibility for collecting co-insurance and deductibles Kenneth J. Donnelly
S.434  An Act to further define adverse determinations by insurers Thomas P. Kennedy
S.447  An Act requiring standard credentialing of physicians by health insurers Richard T. Moore
S.475  An Act regarding adverse determinations for mental health and substance abuse treatment Steven A. Tolman
H.283  An Act relative to long term care insurance Michael F. Kane
H.284  An Act related to insurer responsibility for collecting co-insurance and deductibles John D. Keenan
H.294  An Act to provide prompt, fair and equitable settlement of claims for health care services Peter J. Koutoujian
H.302  An Act relative to insurance companies and quality measures Ronald Mariano
H.304  An Act to define the use of observation services Ronald Mariano
H.306  An Act relative to promoting supplemental insurance coverage Ronald Mariano
H.307  An Act to streamline the physician credentialing process Ronald Mariano
H.322  An Act relative to pre-authorization of medical and health care services John W. Scibak
H.323  An Act relative to financial services contracts for dental benefits corporations John W. Scibak
H.1179  An Act relative to payment for use of ambulance services James M. Cantwell
H.1180  An Act relative to the use and payment of ambulance services. James M. Cantwell
H.1189  An Act relative to health care consumer protection Kay Khan
H.1200  An Act to regulate health insurance contracts/policies. Ronald Mariano
H.1201  An Act to establish standards for long term care insurance Ronald Mariano
H.1204  An Act to limit retroactive denials of health insurance claims Ronald Mariano
H.2061  An Act relative to administrative simplification Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.2762  An Act establishing standards for long term care insurance John P. Fresolo