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February 06, 2025 Mist | 29°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Section 2: Establishment of disabled persons protection commission; membership; terms; compensation; annual report

Section 2. There is hereby established a commission for the protection of disabled persons, to be known as the disabled persons protection commission. The purpose of the commission shall be to provide for the investigation and remediation of instances of abuse of disabled persons in the commonwealth. The commission shall consist of three members to be appointed by the governor, one of whom he shall designate as chairman. Members of the commission shall serve for terms of no more than five years. No person shall be appointed to more than one full five-year term on the commission. The term of any commissioner shall not be coterminous with that of another. Members of the commission may be removed by the governor for gross misconduct, substantial neglect of duty, inability to discharge the powers and duties of office, or conviction of a felony. Any vacancy occurring on the commission shall be filled within ninety days by the original appointing authority. A person appointed to fill a vacancy occurring other than by expiration of a term of office shall be appointed for the unexpired term of the member he succeeds, and shall be eligible for appointment to one full five-year term. Any member whose term has expired shall continue to serve until such member's successor has been duly appointed and qualified. Members of the commission shall be compensated for work performed for the commission at such rate as the secretary of administration and finance shall determine and shall be reimbursed for their expenses. The commission shall annually report to the general court and the governor concerning the action it has taken; the names and salaries and duties of all individuals in its employ and the money it has disbursed; and shall make such further reports on matters within its jurisdiction as may appear necessary. Subject to the provisions of clause (a) of section three, the commission shall employ an executive director and a general counsel. The executive director shall be responsible for the administrative operation of the commission and shall perform such other tasks as the commission shall determine. The general counsel shall be the chief legal officer of the commission.