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February 14, 2025 Clouds | 32°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Section 14: Definitions applicable to Secs. 14 to 26

Section 14. For the purposes of sections fourteen to twenty-six, inclusive, the following words and terms shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the following meaning:

''Abuse'', an Act or omission which results in serious physical or emotional injury to an elderly person or financial exploitation of an elderly person; or the failure, inability or resistance of an elderly person to provide for him one or more of the necessities essential for physical and emotional well-being without which the elderly person would be unable to safely remain in the community; provided, however, that no person shall be considered to be abused or neglected for the sole reason that such person is being furnished or relies upon treatment in accordance with the tenets and teachings of a church or religious denomination by a duly accredited practitioner thereof.

''Caretaker'', the person responsible for the care of an elderly person, which responsibility may arise as the result of a family relationship, or by a voluntary or contractual duty undertaken on behalf of an elderly person, or may arise by a fiduciary duty imposed by law.

''Conservator'', a person who is appointed to manage the estate of a person pursuant to chapter two hundred and one.

''Court'', the probate and family court.

''Department'', the department of elder affairs.

''Elderly person'', an individual who is sixty years of age or over.

''Emergency'', a situation in which an elderly person is living in conditions which present a substantial risk of death or immediate and serious physical or mental harm.

''Financial exploitation'', an act or omission by another person, which causes a substantial monetary or property loss to an elderly person, or causes a substantial monetary or property gain to the other person, which gain would otherwise benefit the elderly person but for the act or omission of such other person; provided, however, that such an act or omission shall not be construed as financial exploitation if the elderly person has knowingly consented to such act or omission unless such consent is a consequence of misrepresentation, undue influence, coercion or threat of force by such other person; and, provided further, that financial exploitation shall not be construed to interfere with or prohibit a bona fide gift by an elderly person or to apply to any act or practice in the conduct of any trade or commerce declared unlawful by section two of chapter ninety-three A.

''Guardian'', a person who has qualified as a guardian of an elderly person pursuant to chapter two hundred and one, but shall not include a guardian ad litem.

''Protected person'', an elderly person for whom a conservator or guardian has been appointed or other protective order has been made.

''Protective services'', services which are necessary to prevent, eliminate or remedy the effects of abuse to an elderly person.

''Protective services agency'', a public or nonprofit private agency, corporation, board, or organization designated by the department pursuant to this chapter to furnish protective services to elderly persons.