- Section 1 Legislative determination and declaration of purpose
- Section 2 Definitions
- Section 3 Financial assistance to public bodies
- Section 4 Discovery and assessment of solid waste pollution; liability for costs; adjudicatory hearings; judicial review
- Section 6 Acid gas scrubbers
- Section 6A Implementation of IMERC standards by department
- Section 6B Notification of mercury-added products offered for final sale, use or distribution in commonwealth
- Section 6C Restrictions on use and sale of mercury-added vehicle switches; plan for removal and recycling of mercury-added components in end-of-life vehicles
- Section 6D Sale of mercury-added thermostats and other mercury-added products
- Section 6E Sale or distribution of mercury switch or mercury relay; exceptions
- Section 6F Exemptions from prohibitions in Secs. 6D and 6E; applications; fees
- Section 6G Purchase of elemental mercury, mercury compounds and mercury-added equipment and materials by schools
- Section 6H Disclosure requirements for mercury-added formulated product manufacturers
- Section 6I Disposal of mercury-added products; education program; discharge of mercury into water; scrap recycling of multi-component products containing mercury
- Section 6J Sale of mercury-added products; collection plan; mercury-added lamps
- Section 6K Labeling requirements for mercury-added products
- Section 6L Collection of mercury-added products by solid waste collectors
- Section 6M Preference for purchase of products not containing mercury by state procurement officer, university system and agencies
- Section 6N Rules and regulations
- Section 6J 1/2 Repealed, 2014, 196, Sec. 4
- Section 7 Composting programs
- Section 8 Penalties