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March 07, 2025 Clouds | 28°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Section 17: Rooms in state house for departments of war veterans

Section 17. Whenever, in the opinion of the commissioner of administration, there is space available, there shall be set apart and suitably furnished rooms in the state house for the use of the Massachusetts Department of the American Legion, the United Spanish War Veterans, the Disabled American Veterans of World War, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, the American Veterans of World War II, AMVETS, the Veterans of Indian Wars, the Reserve Officers Association of the United States, the Army–Navy Union, Italian American War Veterans of the United States, Incorporated, Department of Massachusetts, the Jewish War Veterans of the United States, Department of Massachusetts, Inc., the Organization of Afro–American Veterans, Inc., the Polish–American Veterans of Massachusetts, Inc., of the Marine Corps League, Department of Massachusetts, Inc., the Polish Legion of American Veterans, Department of Massachusetts, Inc., the Veterans of World War I of the U.S.A., Department of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Regional Group of the Blinded Veterans Association, Inc., the Amputee Veterans Association of America, Inc., the Vietnam Veterans of Massachusetts, Inc. and of the Legion of National Guard Veterans of Massachusetts, Inc., respectively, such rooms to be under the charge of the state commanders of the respective departments, subject to this chapter. The headquarters thus established for each of the aforesaid departments shall be used for storing and preserving the records and other property of the department and relics and mementos of the World Wars and the Spanish War.