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February 15, 2025 Snow | 25°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Section 44D: Official ballot; posting lists of candidates; drawing for position on ballot

Section 44D. On the first day, other than Sunday or a legal holiday, following the expiration of the time for filing the above described statement and petition, the city clerk shall post in a conspicuous place in the city hall the names and residences of the candidates for nomination who have duly qualified as candidates for nomination, as they are to appear on the official ballots to be used at the preliminary election, except as to the order of the names, and shall cause the ballots which shall contain said names, in their order as drawn by the clerk, and no others, with a designation of residence, and of the office and term of service, to be printed, and the ballots so printed shall be official and no others shall be used at the preliminary election. In drawing for position on the ballot the candidates shall have an opportunity to be present in person or by one representative each. Blank spaces shall be left at the end of each list of candidates for nomination for the different offices equal to the number to be nominated therefor, in which the voter may insert the name of any person not printed on the ballot for whom he desires to vote for nomination for such office. There shall be printed on such ballots such directions as will aid the voter, as, for example: ''vote for one'', ''vote for two'', and the like, and the ballots shall be headed as follows:—

Official Preliminary Ballot

Candidates for nomination for the offices of ( ) in the city of at a preliminary election to be held on the day of in the year nineteen hundred and .

(The heading shall be varied in accordance with the offices for which nominations are to be made.)