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February 15, 2025 Snow | 25°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Section 44H: Acceptance of sections dealing with preliminary elections; submission to electorate

Section 44H. If, in a city governed on September first, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, by one of the plans provided by this chapter, there is filed with the city clerk, not later than one month before a regular city election, a petition conforming so far as possible to the provisions of sections eight and nine, requesting that such city accept the provisions of sections forty-four A to forty-four G, inclusive, and bearing the signatures of registered voters thereof, duly certified by the registrars of voters, to a number equal to at least ten per cent of the registered voters thereof at the biennial state election next preceding such filing, the following question shall be placed upon the official ballot to be used in such city at the next regular city election:—''Shall sections forty-four A to forty-four G, inclusive, of chapter forty-three of the General Laws, relative to the nomination by preliminary elections of candidates for elective municipal offices in cities governed under a standard form of city charter, be accepted by the city of ?'' If a majority of the voters voting thereon in such city vote in the affirmative, said sections shall take effect therein.