Section 1: Definitions
Section 1. As used in this chapter the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings:—
''Catastrophic illness'', pediatric cancer, or any illness or condition treated at a pediatric specialty hospital, including ambulatory care and services provided by or ordered through such a hospital, the medical and related expenses of which are not covered by any other state or federal program, including the uncompensated care pool, or any insurance contract and which exceed 10 per cent of the first $100,000 of annual income of a family and 15 per cent of any family income in excess of $100,000.
''Child'', a person 21 years of age or under.
''Commission'', the catastrophic illness in children relief fund commission.
''Department'', the department of public health.
''Family'', a child and the child's parent, parents or legal guardian, as the case may be, who is legally responsible for the child's medical expenses.
''Fund'', the Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund established pursuant to section 2ZZ of chapter 29.
''Income'', all income, from whatever source derived, actually received by a family, excluding payments received from the fund.
''Resident'', a resident of the commonwealth.