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March 25, 2025 Clouds | 47°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Section 180C: Application; contents; notice; refusal; revocation; fees

Section 180C. Any person wishing to obtain such a license shall apply in writing to the commissioner of the division of occupational licensure and in the form prescribed by said commissioner; and shall state, under the penalties of perjury, his name and address; the name under which he is to operate his business, if other than his true name; the street and number of the building or place where the business is to be conducted; the name and address of the individual who will actually direct and operate the placement activities of the agency; the length of time such individual has spent in the business of operating an agency for theatrical engagements. If the applicant is to engage in representing a booking agent, personal manager, or actor's manager outside the commonwealth, he shall give the name and address of any such individual or outside agency. Such application shall be accompanied by affidavits of at least two reputable residents of the commonwealth that the applicant is a person of good moral character.

No license shall be granted except after publication of the application thereof, at the expense of the applicant, in a daily or weekly newspaper having circulation in the town or city in which the applicant's office is located, at least ten days prior to the granting thereof, and after a public hearing before the commissioner. The commissioner shall post a list of such applicants in a public place at the headquarters of the division of occupational licensure for the ten days preceding such public hearing. A license may be refused or revoked at any time by the commissioner for good cause shown; provided, that the applicant or licensee shall have been given due notice to appear before the commissioner to show cause why the license should not be refused or revoked.

The said license shall be for a period of two years, and the fee therefor shall be determined annually by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section three B of chapter seven for the filing thereof. No renewal of said license shall be granted unless the licensee complies with sections one hundred and eighty B to one hundred and eighty F, inclusive.