- Section 1 Definitions
- Section 2 Interstate insurance product regulation commission
- Section 3 Powers of commission
- Section 4 Membership; powers and duties; management committee; legislative committee; recordkeeping; liability
- Section 5 Meetings; voting
- Section 6 Rules; uniform standards; operating procedures
- Section 7 Public inspection; confidentiality; compliance by compacting states
- Section 8 Dispute resolution
- Section 9 Insurers and third-party filers; product approval
- Section 10 Disapproval of products; review panel; modification or withdrawal of approval
- Section 11 Commission funding; financial rules
- Section 12 Eligibility of compacting states; effectiveness of compact; amendments
- Section 13 Withdrawals from compact or default; reinstatement; dissolution of compact
- Section 14 Severability
- Section 15 Enforcement of other laws of compact states
- Section 16 Commissioner of insurance serving as representative